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wuxia 武侠

【词源】[ < Chinese wǔxiá (Wade-Giles transcription wu-hsia) genre of Chinese historical fiction < military, martial + xiá , skilled and chivalrous wandering martial artist. ] 源自中文“武侠”,中国历史小说的一种(威妥玛拼音作wu-hsia)

【定义】 n. An itinerant swordsman or warrior of ancient China. Freq. attrib., esp. designating a genre of Chinese historical fiction or martial arts films featuring such warriors, who are often depicted as capable of superhuman feats. Hence also simply: this genre of fiction or film. 中国古代四处游历的剑客或武士。常用做定语,特指一种中国的历史小说或武术电影,主角常被描绘为身怀绝技的武士。因此也仅指这类小说或电影。


The world of the Wuxia—warriors of the Confucian era—is a world apart from society. 武侠的世界,亦即孔子时代武士的世界,与社会有天壤之别。──法国《国际先驱论坛报》(International Herald Tribune),2000/10/26

Based on the mythical exploits of early swordsmen, wuxia has been a part of Asian cinema since the silent era, but most Westerners got their first taste from Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. 武侠片根植于对古代剑客事迹的想象,从默片时代起就是亚洲电影的一环。然而一直要等到李安拍出了《卧虎藏龙》,多数的西方人才得以初尝武侠的滋味。 ──美国《联机》(Wired)杂志,2004/8

qigong 气功

【词源】[ < Chinese qìgōng (Wade-Giles transcription ch’i kung ) < breath, breathing, life-force + gōng skill, practice. ] 源自中文“气功”(威妥玛拼音作ch’i kung)

【定义】 n. A system of techniques originating in Chinese philosophy as a means to focus and strengthen qi, involving breathing exercises, meditation, and hand and arm movements, used in alternative medicine and as a basis for training in martial arts. 源自中国哲学的一套技巧,是一种集中气、强化气的手段,内容包含呼吸练习、静坐、手臂运动。气功用于另类医学,也是武术训练的基础。


Qigong involves a system of deep breathing exercises that concentrates the body’s ‘qi’ or ‘life energy’, which can then allegedly be channelled by exponents and used to cure chronic illnesses. 气功包含一套深呼吸练习,专注在身体的“气”(即“生命能量”)。倡导者宣称,他们可以把气加以导引,用来治疗慢性疾病。──肯尼亚《东非旗报》(East African Standard),1996/5/7


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