






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-2-5 12:24| 查看数: 1528| 评论数: 0|


春运(Spring Festival travel rush)也被称为:

The largest annual human migration in the world


你是否已经平安到家?坐的是夕发朝至的卧铺(overnight sleeper),还是舒适快捷的高铁?

回眸春运几十年的历史,从绿皮车( "green trains", a traditional nickname for Chinese old style passenger trains),

到空调卧铺 (air-conditioned sleeper),

再到高铁(high-speed rail),



摄影 郭程

今年参与春运的列车中,有60%是时速在350公里的高铁列车(high-speed trains that can run up to 350 kilometers per hour)。




高铁即高速铁路,一般用high-speed rail(HSR)表示,根据专业定义,高铁是指运营时速在200公里以上的客运专线(passenger rail lines)。



China’s high-speed rail system has emerged as an unexpected success story. Economists and transportation experts cite it as one reason for China’s continued economic growth when other emerging economies are faltering.



China has a larger high-speed rail network than the entire European Union or the United States, according to a World Bank report.



In a mere decade, a system has been developed and built that is the world's most extensive, fastest and in all likelihood, the best. It is so impressive that governments seeking high-speed rail solutions are looking most to China.



China’s roll-out of high-speed rail is set to usher in one of the most profound changes to travel patterns in human history. For those astonished by the pace of Chinese development over the past two decades, the coming decade will see even faster change, as most of the country becomes integrated through convenient rail travel.


——The Conversation

The trains hurtle along at 186 miles an hour and are smooth, well-lighted, comfortable and almost invariably punctual, if not early.





►China’s HSR is incredibly sophisticated in terms of its engineering and efficiency. As a frequent traveler on America’s Amtrak system, I can say that China’s HSR is light-years ahead. My longest delay was two minutes.


►Travel in China by high speed train is more comfortable than by plane. When distance travelled is within 1,000 km, high speed train also beats planes in efficiency.


►Most of my time was spent not looking out of the panoramic windows, but at the digital display above the carriage compartment door showing the speed as it pushes on to 310km/h.


►Three classes are available on the high speed trains: business, first and second. Second class is equivalent to but far more comfortable than economy class on a airplane.


►After security checks and ticket registrations, I am in front of my dream train: a sleek, white bullet train.


►I pull out a hidden TV in the left armrest and a fold-out table in the right armrest. I switch on a reading light. This feels like home.


►It cruises across the North China Plain at speeds up to 313 kilometer per hour. Wow, that's fast!


►If anything is spilled on this HSR train, for example a can of Coke, it will be due to human error. This baby is smooth.



►While high-speed trains are common in Europe, Japan and China, they are exceedingly rare in the United States.


►Amtrak's Acela Express trains, which run from Washington to Boston, are the only game in town. The trains have a top operating speed of 150 mph, but typically average closer to 70 mph when stops are included.



车站大厅 concourse

售票处 ticket office

检票口 ticket barrier

广播 public address system

列车时刻表 timetable

站台 platform

站台号 platform number

手推车 trolley

动车 bullet train

城际高铁 intercity high-speed rail

直达列车 non-stop train

货运列车 freight train

铁路专线 dedicated rail link

特等座 state cabins

商务座 business cabins

一等座 first-class seats

二等座 second-class seats

客车厢 carriage

车厢隔间 compartment

行李架 luggage rack

餐车 dining car

卧铺车厢 sleeping compartment

硬卧 hard-berth

软卧 soft-berth

硬座 hard-seat

摄影 陈飞

防护栏 protective fence

轨道 track

铁路网 rail network

接触轨 live rail

客流量 passenger flow

出轨系数 derailment coefficient

交错停车 staggered parking

检票员 ticket inspector

调度员 train conductor/dispatcher

高姐(高铁上的女性乘务员)high-speed train attendant

养路工 track maintenance worker

晚点 delay

正点率 on-schedule rate

上座率 occupancy rate

实行浮动票价 floating prices

实名购票 real-name purchasing system

补票 replacement ticket

倒票 ticket scalping

换乘 change


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