






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-2-15 11:53| 查看数: 1383| 评论数: 0|

You know how many calories you’re eating - but what about how many you’re drinking? Some drinks can contain a surprising number of calories, such as orange juice, while alcohol can easily undo your best efforts to lose weight.


Read on to discover the calories in 15 common beverages and what to have if you’re watching your weight….



1.White wine 白酒

A large glass of white wine (250ml/8oz) contains around 180 calories. Be careful, as three large glasses is equal to one bottle, giving you 540 calories - not to mention a hangover!


2.Orange juice 橙汁

Orange juice contains healthy vitamin C but it’s also packed with natural sugars. A single glass contains 88 calories. Switch to low-calorie cordial drinks or mix water with your juice.


3.Cocktails 鸡尾酒

Cocktails are great on a night out but be careful what you order. Avoid those made with lots of shots, creme de menthe or sugary fruit juice. An Applemartini is a good choice, with around 148 calories per glass.


4.Soda 苏打水

Studies have linked drinking soda (diet or normal) with obesity. If you can’t give up your cola fix, opt for diet varieties. A full-sugar can of cola (330ml/12oz) contains 140 calories.


5.Mulled wine 热葡萄酒

A favourite on the ski slopes, mulled wine contains more calories than you might think. A medium-sized glass can contain 245 calories - 160 more than a similar-size glass of red wine.


6.Coffee 咖啡

A plain cup of coffee won’t expand your waistline – just go easy on the sugar, cream and flavourings. A small-sized McDonald's Frappe Caramel contains 450 calories – more than the average meal!


7.Beer 啤酒

If you love beer but don’t like your beer belly, opt for a bottle with a lower percentage alcohol. A bottle of beer with 3% alcohol can contain half the calories of 5.5% alcohol.


8.Energy drinks 能量型饮料

Energy drinks come packed with sugar and caffeine. The worst offenders contain 280 calories and 62g of sugar in a can (330ml/12oz). That’s the equivalent of six doughnuts!


9.Creamy liqueurs乳制品

They may taste delicious but avoid creamy liqueurs if you’re trying to slim down. A single measure (100ml/3.4oz) can contain as many as 350 calories and a shocking 15.7g of fat.


10 .Beverage 饮料

Beverage companies come up with all kinds of clever marketing campaigns, like creating flavoured water with added antioxidants. Read the label carefully though. Along with a few vitamins, that bottle could contain 150 calories and 33g sugar. Switch to plain water instead.


11.Rum 朗姆酒

A single optic measure of rum contains 60 calories but it’s the sugary cola you have with it that pushes the calorie count up. Switch to a diet mixer if you’re watching your weight.


12.Sweetened tea 甜味茶

If you’re a fan of bottled sweetened tea, make sure you read the label carefully. Many average-sized bottles contain 140 calories, but some can contain as many as 240 calories.



A glass of bubbles is the perfect way to celebrate a special occasion. A small (120 ml/4.2oz) glass of champagne contains 89 calories – just 12 calories more than dry white wine.


14.Milkshakes 奶昔

Consider making your own milkshakes at home with skimmed milk and strawberries. A large strawberry shake in a fast food restaurant can contain a whopping 500 calories.


15.Gin 杜松子酒

Gin is relatively low in calories - a single shot (30ml/1oz) contains 55 calories. Order ordinary tonic and you’ll add 40 calories, or just four calories for a reduced-calorie tonic.



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