






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-2-23 11:56| 查看数: 824| 评论数: 0|

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a scholar named LuSheng.


One day, Lu Sheng went to the capital for theimperial examination On his way when he reachedHandan, he stayed at an inn. A Taoist priestsurnamed Lii was also staying there. Sitting in hisroom, Lu Sheng lamented over his poverty andunsuccessful career and sighed in grief with knittedbrows and a long face.


As the Taoist priest Lu saw Lu Sheng in such a state, he took out a pillow from his pocket, gaveit to him and said:


“Try sleeping with this pillow under your head. It may be good for you.”


Lu Sheng went to bed as told, while the owner of the inn was steaming millet. With the Taoistpriest’s pillow, Lu Sheng fell asleep and had a dream. In his dream, he married the daughter ofa high official surnamed Cui in Qinghe and he himself also became an official.


He had a brilliant career as an official and often got promoted. Once he went to fight againstthe enemy and rendered outstanding service. Thus he rose higher and higher in officialdom tillhe became the Minister of Revenue and concurrently Imperial Law Enforcement Official.


Later, someone was jealous of him and framed a case of conspiracy against him. The emperorordered to have his house ransacked, his property confiscated, and him condemned.


After a few years, the emperor reinstated him to his original post. He had a large family withlots of children and grandchildren, and enjoyed great wealth and high position as before. In hisold age, he fell ill, could not be cured, and eventually died.


Lu Sheng woke up from his dream and found himself still sleeping at the inn, with the Taoistpriest Lu sitting beside him. The millet which the owner of the inn had been steaming was notyet done.



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