






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-3-7 14:31| 查看数: 719| 评论数: 0|

Chinese investors in one of Britain’s most fashionable golf and country clubs have said that a row over membership fees is hurting the country’s reputation as a centre for foreign investment.

英国最时尚高尔夫和乡村俱乐部之一温特沃斯高尔夫俱乐部(Wentworth Club)的中国股东表示,一场围绕会员费的争端,正在损害英国作为外资投资中心的声誉。

Writing in the Financial Times on Friday, an executive from Chinese conglomerate Reignwood has hit back at golf and tennis players who have threatened legal action over plans to cut membership numbers and introduce one-off fees of up to £125,000 at the Wentworth golf and country club.


According to Ni Songhua, Wentworth protesters “risk deterring other businesses from working with partners in the UK”. He warns of “a lack of cultural understanding” and says residents and members are “currently sending the entirely the wrong signal to overseas investors”.


Mr Ni’s comments are the first extensive remarks by Reignwood about Wentworth. But residents local to the 92-year-old club have said Reignwood is “riding roughshod” over the club’s heritage by turning it into an invitation-only venue for the “super-rich”.


Nigel Moss, who is leading the campaign against Reignwood alongside the Wentworth Residents Association, said the new membership structure showed “a fundamental lack of understanding of how British culture works”.

与温特沃斯居民联合会(Wentworth Residents Association)一道领导这场运动的奈杰尔•莫斯(Nigel Moss)表示,新的会员制结构显示出“对英国文化运作方式缺乏基本理解”。

“Whatever anyone’s background, to come in and force out the entire membership and invite a select few to reapply with a £100,000 unsecured loan to the club, shows a distinct lack of basic judgment,” he said.


Members and residents have rejected a series of concessions offered by Wentworth, including the option to pay the new one-off fee in instalments and increase the number of members to 888 from the 800 currently proposed. At the moment, there are more than 4,000.


Reignwood, which is owned by Thai-Chinese multi-billionaire Chanchai Ruayrungruang — also known as Yan Bin — bought Wentworth from restaurateur Richard Caring in 2014 for £135m.

华彬集团由泰国籍华人亿万富翁严彬(Chanchai Ruayrungruang)所有。2014年,该集团斥资1.35亿英镑,从经营餐饮业的理查德•卡林(Richard Caring)手中买下了温特沃斯俱乐部。

According to a Chinese official who declined to be identified, Beijing is concerned that the dispute could hurt its reputation in Britain.



“The Chinese government is monitoring the situation carefully because although Mr Yan Bin [as Mr Ruayrungruang is also known] is officially a Thai national everyone knows he is Chinese, so this project has a significant influence on China’s reputation as an investor in the UK,” the source said.


Local residents have threatened to disrupt a flagship European golf tournament due to be held in May.

参与欧洲高尔夫巡回赛(European Tour)相关事宜磋商的人士表示,备用的计划正在拟定之中,准备将巡回赛主办的PGA锦标赛(PGA Championship)移至伦敦高尔夫俱乐部(London Golf Club)或The Grove举行。而欧洲高尔夫巡回赛则表示,不存在关于改变今年锦标赛举办地点的磋商。

According to people involved in discussions with the European Tour, which runs the PGA Championship, back-up plans are being drawn up to move the tournament to the London Golf Club or The Grove. The European Tour have said there have been no discussions about moving the championship this year.


Last week it emerged that a second group of residents who own roads around the club have hired lawyers to advise on what they can do if they choose to disrupt the PGA.

华彬集团还在2010年买下了三一广场10号(Ten Trinity Square),这是伦敦一座毗邻圣保罗大教堂(St Paul's Cathedral)和伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge)的受保护建筑。

In 2010, Reignwood also bought Ten Trinity Square, a listed building neighbouring St Paul’s Cathedral and Tower Bridge in London.

由于英国外交大臣菲利普•哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)是代表兰尼米德和韦布里奇(Runnymede and Weybridge)地方选区的下院议员,他被迫介入这一争端。哈蒙德表示,这一争端“令人失望”。

Philip Hammond, the foreign secretary, has been forced to wade into the dispute, which he called “disappointing”, in his capacity as MP for the local constituency of Runnymede and Weybridge.


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