






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-4-7 10:22| 查看数: 936| 评论数: 0|

A growing arms race between China and its neighbours helped to propel global defence spending to its first growth in three years, despite the fall in oil prices hitting some of the arms industry’s biggest clients.


All told, military spending in Asia and Oceania rose 5.4 per cent in 2015,


the fastest-growing region in the world, beating even the war-torn Middle East, which grew 4.1 per cent the same year, according to a study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.


Global military expenditure in 2015 was estimated at $1,67tn, an increase of about 1 per cent in real terms from 2014. The last time global expenditure grew was in 2011.


Sipri cautioned that the Middle East figures were not strictly comparable as data from some countries were missing. Nevertheless, the report highlighted the drop in spending by oil exporters such as Venezuela and Angola, as well as lower than expected increases from Saudi Arabia and Russia.


Despite a drop in orders from traditional clients, the global arms industry has cashed in on tensions in Asia as China continues to pursue a broad military modernisation programme, while the country’s neighbours, such as India and Vietnam, are buying an unprecedented number of weapons in an effort to counter Beijing’s dominance.


In total, China spent almost as much as all other Asia and Pacific countries put together in 2015, at $215bn out of $436bn, according to Sipri estimates.


The region’s spending grew 64 per cent between 2006 and 2015, the report said.


China, however, measures itself not against its neighbours but against the US, which spent more on defence than the next seven countries put together.


Increasingly, the US and China have been at loggerheads over Beijing’s defence of its maritime claims in the South China Sea and its creation of artificial islands in the contested waters.


Countries in the South China Sea region have also begun to raise military spending sharply: the Philippines by 25 per cent, Indonesia by 16 per cent and Vietnam by 7.6 per cent.


Japan, which is challenging China over disputed islands in the East China Sea, also increased spending in 2015 after years of decline, reflecting what it perceived to be a rising threat from both China and North Korea.


Elsewhere, Saudi Arabia overtook Russia to become the world’s third-largest spender, mainly due to the fall in the value of the rouble and to the kingdom’s military operations in Yemen.


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