






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-4-18 14:17| 查看数: 719| 评论数: 0|

Slideshow About 10,000 troops and 4,600 police were deployed to search for survivors following the powerful earthquake in Ecuador, with the official death toll rising to 233 on Sunday.


A 7.8 magnitude quake struck on Saturday evening off Ecuador’s coast about 200km from the capital Quito, causing widespread damage to local communities. The tremor was the strongest to hit the Andean country since 1979, and came only a day after a 7.3 magnitude quake struck Japan on the other side of the Pacific.


Rafael Correa, Ecuador’s president, declared a national emergency and cut short a visit to Rome, as he urged Ecuadoreans to stay strong while authorities handle the disaster. He said that support for the rescuers from neighbouring countries was on its way. “Immediate priority is to rescue those [trapped] among the rubble,” he said on Twitter.

厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔•科雷亚(Rafael Correa)宣布该国进入紧急状态,他中断了对罗马的访问,敦促厄瓜多尔人在当局处理这场灾难的时候保持坚强。他表示,邻国对救援人员的支援正在路上。“当务之急是救援那些困在废墟中的人们,”他在Twitter上表示。

Gabriel Alcivar, mayor of Pedernales, an area of 55,000 people close to the quake’s epicentre, pleaded for authorities to send earthmoving machines and emergency rescue workers as roads were cracked and several of buildings in the town were flattened, trapping residents among the rubble.

靠近震中、人口5.5万人的佩德纳莱斯镇的镇长加布里埃尔•阿尔西瓦(Gabriel Alcivar)请求当局向该市派遣推土机和紧急救援人员,该市的道路裂开,镇内的几栋建筑被夷为平地,将一些居民困在了瓦砾之中。

“This wasn’t just a house that collapsed, it was an entire town,” he told local television.



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