





【VOA慢速】美最高法院审理美国对德克萨斯案 数百万非法移民去留再受关注

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-4-21 12:47| 查看数: 1061| 评论数: 0|

Will US Let Some Undocumented ImmigrantsStay?

About 10 million undocumented immigrants live inthe U.S. Because they are not registered withauthorities, undocumented immigrants often hidefrom the government.

For example, they do not pay taxes, and they cannot apply for driver's licenses, jobs thatrequire a work permit, or loans to buy houses.

If they are discovered, undocumented immigrants can be deported in other words, sentback to their home countries.

But this week, the U.S. Supreme Court is considering whether to allow some undocumentedimmigrants to stay for a limited period and apply to work legally.

The Court's decision will affect only undocumented immigrants who meet three criteria: thosewho have not been found guilty of a crime; those who have been in the U.S. for the past fiveyears or more; and those who have a child who was born here or lives here legally.

About 4 million undocumented immigrants meet those criteria.

美最高法院审理美国对德克萨斯案 数百万非法移民去留再受关注







What could happen?

The Supreme Court will announce its decision this summer, probably in June.

The case revolves around a program called DAPA. It stands for "Deferred Action for Parentsof Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents."

President Barack Obama approved the program two years ago. One of the goals of the programwas to keep families together. It also aimed to bring more people into legal work.

People who support DAPA say the program can greatly reduce the fear undocumentedimmigrants feel.

A six-year-old girl named Sophie Cruz spoke outside the Supreme Court building. She wasborn in the U.S., but her parents are here without documents. That means the government canforce her parents to leave the country — and their daughter — at any time. "I ask the judges toprotect us children and all immigrants," Sophie Cruz said.

A representative from a teacher's group also spoke. Cesar Moreno Perez said teachers knowwhat happens when children come to school with fear: "Fear that their parents are not going tobe home. Fear for themselves that they are going to be picked up on their way home."

If the Supreme Court decides the DAPA program is legal, the government will protectapproved undocumented immigrants. Those immigrants will receive a social security card,permission to work in the U.S., and a promise that they will not be forced to leave for threeyears.

At the end of three years, approved immigrants may apply again for the program.










What is the argument against DAPA?

Lawyers arguing against DAPA say the program is not legal. President Obama approved DAPA,but Congress never agreed to it. Under the U.S. Constitution, Congress usually makes thelaws, and the president's administration makes sure the laws are followed.

One of the Supreme Court justices, Anthony Kennedy, said of the DAPA program, "Thepresident is setting policy and Congress is executing it. It seems upside down."

However, the Constitution does allow the president to make an executive order. Those ordershave the force of law, but they do not have to be approved by Congress. Future presidentsmay change an executive order.

President Obama said he approved DAPA because Congress has failed to improve the U.S.immigration system.

The state of Texas — along with 25 other states — are challenging Obama's executive orderin the Supreme Court. They say Obama does not have the power to do so much to change thecountry's immigration laws.

Lower courts have agreed with the challengers. DAPA is currently frozen — or, not active —because previous judges have decided it is not legal.







What will the Supreme Court decide?

The Supreme Court includes nine justices; however, one justice recently died, leaving eightpeople on the Court. As a result, the DAPA case could end in a four-to-four tie.

A tie is especially possible because four justices usually follow a more liberal way of thinking,and four usually follow a more conservative way of thinking. If the case ends in a tie, the DAPAprogram will remain frozen, and undocumented immigrants will continue to risk being deported.

The Supreme Court could also decide not to decide. In other words, they could say thatTexas and the other states do not have the right to sue in federal court.

If the Supreme Court throws out the case, Americans and politicians will have made no furtherprogress on the question of undocumented immigrations.

I'm Katheen Struck.








1. deport 驱逐(非本国居民)出境;

More than 240 England football fans are beingdeported from Italy following riots last night.


2. in other words 换言之;换句话说;也就是说;The production of commodities, in other words, production for sale, was still in its infancy.

商品的生产, 换言之, 即以售卖为目的的生产, 仍在幼稚时期。

3. upside down 倒置地;颠倒过来;

His eyes were open and everything he saw was upside down.



1. The case revolves around a program calledDAPA.

revolve around 以…为中心;以…为主题,围绕;

Since childhood, her life has revolved aroundtennis.


The conversation revolved around the terrible condition of the road.


2. It stands for "Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful PermanentResidents."

stand for (某个字母)是…的缩写,代表,表示;

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


Letter "O" stands for oxygen and "H" for hydrogen.


3. If the Supreme Court throws out the case, Americans and politicians will have madeno further progress on the question of undocumented immigrations.

throw out (法官)不受理,不立案;

The defense wants the district Judge to throw out the case.


The charges were thrown out of court.



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