






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-5-1 23:01| 查看数: 1020| 评论数: 0|

Hello, I am Marion Marshall with BBC news.

The US front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination Donald Trump has launched a scathing attack on President Obama's foreign policy. It's his first major speech on international affairs. Mr Trump describes Mr Obama's strategy is reckless,rudderless, and aimless. Laura Becca reports from Washington.

Marion Marshall为您报道BBC新闻。

美国共和党总统提名人领先者唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)严厉抨击了奥巴马总统的外交政策。这是他关于国际事务的首次重大讲话。特朗普称奥巴马总统的战略是鲁莽的,没有方向,没有目的的。Laura Becca在华盛顿报道。

The speech was delivered by a Donald Trump we don't see very often, toned down and tie to the words in the teleprompter, he sent a mixed message to US allies. Above all else he said they'd be left to defend themselves if they didn't pay their fair share and yet he also assured that US wouldbe a reliable ally if he was president. The Republican front-runner is trying to calm the nerves of those who fear he doesn't have the experience or the temperament to be president.


The New York Times is reporting that the Democratic Party's trailing presidential aspirant Bernie Sanders, says he is planning to lay off hundreds of campaign staffers across the country. Mr Sanders said he would remain in the presidential race, through to the party's convention in July and could take on staffer again if his political fortunes improved.

The Austrian parliament has approved controversial measures to control the number of migrants crossing into the country. From Vienna, here is Bethony Bell.

纽约时报报道称,在选举中落后的民主党候选人伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)表示,他计划解雇全国各地数百名竞选工作人员。桑德斯表示,他将继续参加总统选举,直到7月份民主党党内选举结束,如果他的竞选形势有所改善,他还会雇佣这些职员。

奥地利议会通过了有争议的措施来控制进入该国境内的移民数量。维也纳,Bethony Bell报道。

The new asylum law is one of the toughest in Europe, the bill allows the government to declare state of emergency if migrant numbers suddenly rise and it gives the power to reject most of themat the border. Critics say the law goes against the principle of offering refugee from war and persecution. Tens of thousands of migrants have transited through Austria in recent months, andaround 100000 have applied for asylum. Austria initially welcome refugees but it’s recently introduced much tougher measures.


The key suspect in November's terror attacks in Paris Salam Abdaslam has been charged with murder using bombs and weapons and association with terrorist group. He left the court in Parisunder heavy arm guard. Salam Abdslam arrived in Paris this morning after been extradited fromBelgium.

A BBC poll has found that about half of the people in countries across the world see themselves as global rather than national citizens. This trend is driven by emerging economies, such as Nigeria,China and India. While in industrialized countries, a majority see themselves as citizens of their owncountry. Niaomi Grimly reports.

11月份巴黎恐怖袭击关键嫌疑人萨拉赫•阿卜杜勒-萨拉姆(Salam Abdaslam)被控告使用炸弹和武器进行谋杀罪以及与恐怖组织有关联罪。他在全副武装的警卫押送下离开巴黎法庭。阿卜杜勒-萨拉姆从比利时被引渡之后于今早抵达巴黎。

BBC一份民意调查发现,全世界各国大约一半的人口认为自己是全球公民,而不是某国公民。该趋势是由新兴经济体,比如尼日利亚,中国和印度等国家推动的。而在工业化国家,大部分人认为自己是自己国家的公民。Niaomi Grimly报道。

Only 30% of German's question saw themselves as global citizens. That's the lowest figure theresince 2001. Germany accepted more than a million refugees last year, but German respondents inthe poll will less convinced about the case for taking in refugees than other European nationalitiessuch as the British. Germans also appear to be more disapproving of marriages between differentraces.

World news from the BBC.



United Nation's special envoy for Syria Stephen O'Brien is briefing the security council on the peaceprocess and hopes it set a date in May for another round of talks. The Syrian opposition cut short their participation in the previous round last week saying they would not return until more aidwere sent to besieged towns.

The Iraqi government has ordered the satellite broadcasting network out to zero to close itsBaghdad bureau and suspended journalists from reporting in the country. The authorities accused the broadcaster of breaking Iraqi Media guidelines which include restrictions on covering insurgentgroups. Out to zero said they were shocked by the decision and denied any violations ofprofessional standards.

联合国驻叙利亚特使奥布莱恩(Stephen O'Brien)向联合国安理会作简报,概述了和平方面的进展,希望在5月份安排时间进行新一轮对话。叙利亚反对派突然中断上周举行的会谈,并宣称不会再参与,直到更多援助物资抵达被围困的城镇。

伊拉克政府下令卫星广播网络out to zero关闭巴格达广播局,制止记者在这个国家进行报道。伊拉克当局指控该广播公司违反了伊拉克媒体指导方针,其中包括禁止报道反叛组织。Out to zero广播网表示,他们对该决定感到震惊,他们没有任何违反职业标准的行为。

A vigil has taken place in Liverpool for the 96 football fans killed in Britain's worst sporting disaster.The commemoration came a day after inquest concluded that the Liverpool supporters were unlawfully killed when they were crashed to death of the Hillce Stadium in 1989. Danny Savage sentthis report from Liverpool.

On the huge banners bearing the words truth and justice, tens of thousands of Liverpudlian gatheredon the sunny but cold evening to acknowledge the battle this city has won, every vantage pointwas taken, people perched on top of red telephone boxes, red scarfs were tied to lamp posts.During the ever long service, several people address the crowd including Magrette Asperno whose18 year old son James died in the disaster. Mayor of Liverpool, Jone Anderson praised the determination shown by the heros' families.

利物浦为在英国最严重的体育灾难中遇难的96名球迷守夜。一天之前,调查得出结论,利物浦队的支持者们1989年在Hillce体育馆被踩踏致死,是被非法杀害的。Danny Savage从利物浦发回报道。

巨大的条幅上书写着“真相和正义”等字眼,成千上万的利物浦市民聚集在晴朗却清凉的夜晚,认可这座城市在这场战争中获得的胜利,赢得的每一分,人们停留在house的电话亭,在路灯柱上绑上红色的围巾。在守夜活动中,有几人发表了讲话。其中包括Magrette Asperno,她在这场灾难中失去了18岁的儿子James。利物浦市长JoneAnderson赞扬了这些英雄的家人表现出的决心。

Police in the US city Milwaukee have been given details of how a two year old boy accidentally shotand killed his mother. Batrice Price was shot once in the back while driving on the highway. Policesay the gun has been left in the car by her boyfriend, a security guard.

BBC world service news.

美国城市密尔沃基警方了解到一名两岁的男孩意外枪杀他的母亲的细节。Batrice Price在高速公路上驾车时背部被击中。警方表示,这把枪是由遇难者的男朋友,一名保安留在车内的。



1.scathing adj.(言词、文章)严厉的,尖刻的; 不留情的

He then launched a scathing attack on previousleaders.


2.reckless adj.鲁莽的,不顾危险的

The rap against Conn was that he was far too reckless.


3.assure vt.向…保证; 使…确信

He hastened to assure me that there was nothing traumatic to report.


4.temperament n.性格;(人或动物的)气质

Her mental capacity and temperament are as remarkable as his.


5.participation n.参加,参与;分享

Only in this way can the critical mass of participation be reached.


6.commemoration n.纪念,纪念仪式

We caused a medal to be struck in commemoration of this discovery.


7.determination n.决心;决定

It must have reinforced my determination to blend into my surroundings.


8.accidentally adv.偶然地,意外地

She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf.



1.Above all else he said they'd be left to defendthemselves if they didn't pay their fair share andyet he also assured that US would be a reliableally if he was president.

above all else最,其中

Above all else I hate the cold.


2.The New York Times is reporting that the Democratic Party's trailing presidential aspirantBernie Sanders, says he is planning to lay off hundreds of campaign staffers across thecountry.

lay off暂时解雇

100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit...


3.The Syrian opposition cut short their participation in the previous round last week sayingthey would not return until more aid were sent to besieged towns.

cut short突然停止

His glittering career was cut short by a heart attack.



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