






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-5-5 00:04| 查看数: 1182| 评论数: 0|

Air strikes in the northern city of Aleppo who pushed true safe grades in Feb to the point of collapse. Pihada Edwards reports.Russia has done little to ruin president Assad forces around to Aleppo. The Syria military was blamed for an attack on a hospital last week which killed dozens of people. There has also been rebel attack on government hold areas. While the talks continue, civilians in the Aleppo suffer. At least 250 people, including dozens of children are reported to be killed on birth set divide the Aleppo over the past four nights.One of the world largest bank HSBC has reported to sharp falling profits in the first 3 months of the year. There slept to 6.1 billion dollars down 14 percent compared with the same period last year. And the report says the gulf of Guinea of the south African coast has become the most dangerous rage in the world for see firers because of the increase in the number of the pirate attacks and the level of violence use. The study by the US ocean group beyond piracy says pirates increasing kidnap for ransom. John Steve is a group in regional manager for whole of Africa were the threat to Somalia pirate decrease in recent years.Pirates all over the world are very adaptable, we have seen of Somalia as navel activity increase the use of arm guards to protect ocean ships has made that job more difficult. They then shifted to other types of attacks, attacks on fishing vessels. We have seen five fishing vessels captured by Somali pirates in 2015. We still have 41 hostages still been hold on land in Somalia. John Steve from the ocean beyond piracy group.Leicester city has entire scored cause a single player some of its best known revels has won the English premier league. Leicester were 5000 to 1 outside to win at the start of the season. From Leicester city, is Andy Swiss.It was a night of so called impossible dream but came a glorious reality. A thousands of fans that sending Leicester’s king power stadium to celebrate one of the sports most remarkable achievements. Earlier they watch nervous on TV as Tottenham looks for a win which will prolong the title race. But Chelsea’s late equalizer ended their hopes and for the Leicester players it was time to party. It has been a some journey by the year ago Leicester was bottom of the table, by turning the traditional premier league high on its head, they won headlines and marries around the world. You are listening to world news from the BBC.King Felipe of Spain has due to formally dissolve parliament later clearing the way for fresh election to be held after months of political stale made. The vote schedule for the end of June follows the failure of the rival parties to form a collation in the wake of an inconclusive election Dec. The emergence of 2 new political movements Podemos and Theader Donalds has undermine support of Spain traditional 2 party system.A Somali asylum seeker who settle after a life in Australia offshore detention on the Pacificisland of Peru has been transferred to hospital in Brisbane. 21 year old Ordania Sin is suffering from critical entrance. It’s 2nd self immigration incident of the new ruff facility of less than a week. The senator of Australia green party Syrihason Young criticized her country’s policy of detaining an asylum seeker in the offshore centers.This is the rediculous situation we are in. These are people who have their plans they’ve been found to be refugees. If they deserves to be looked after and given an opportunity to rebuild their lost. We shouldn’t be having them languishing and naru even now laid lorn years to years to come.Once in pollution in Mexico city has prompted to authorities order 40 percent of the cars to keep off the road on Tue. Some industry club have been also told to cut emissions. The Mexico capital which used to have 4million cars on its road expected to have a combination on high temperature and low winds which has added to long standing problems with air quality.A solar power plane which is attempting to fly around the world pured only by the sun has completed the latest day with its journey. To solar impulse landed in the US states in Arizona off a 6 hour flight to California. The aircraft plans 2 stops in the US before it attempted to across the Atlantic. BBC news.词汇学习

impulse['impʌls]n. 冲动,驱动力,倾向,心血来潮

vt. 推

prisoner['prizənə]n. 囚犯prolong[prə'lɔŋ]vt. 延长,拖延

ruin[ruin]v. 毁灭,毁坏,破产

n. 毁灭,崩溃,废墟pirate['paiərit]n. 海盗,盗印者,侵犯专利权者

v. 侵犯版

settle['setl]v. 安顿,解决,定居

n. 有背的长凳

craft[krɑ:ft]n. 工艺,手艺,狡诈,航空器,行会成员

impossible[im'pɔsəbl]adj. 不可能的,做不到的

critical['kritikəl]adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

flight[flait]n. 飞行,航班


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