






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-5-31 08:40| 查看数: 1218| 评论数: 0|

China’s state grains reserves body will auction about 2m tonnes of old corn stocks and 200,000 tonnes of rice on Friday to clear space before the harvest season starts, helping to chip away space in its grossly overstocked grains warehouses.


China’s state reserves of corn, wheat, rice and other agricultural commodities have climbed to high levels thanks to a policy that set state purchasing prices well above market prices in China or overseas. The huge size of the reserves, estimated at 250m tonnes for corn alone, now threatens to swamp markets if sold or run the risk of spoiling from prolonged storage.


The state grains trading centre said it would sell corn grown in northern China in 2012, plus imported corn from 2011 and 2012, to designated buyers, understood to be feed companies and other industrial processors. The choice of buyers indicates that the grain quality has deteriorated so that it is unsuitable for human food.


“We have too much old grains. They have to be sold off for cheap,” said Ma Wenfeng of Beijing Orient Agribusiness Consultant, a critic of China’s grains stockpiling policy.

中国粮食库存政策的批评者、北京东方艾格农业咨询有限公司(Beijing Orient Agribusiness Consultants)马文峰表示:“我们的陈粮太多了,必须廉价抛售。”

China’s state reserves normally keep grains for up to three years then rotate the old grains out to make room for the new harvest. The system is designed to keep grains to stabilise prices or for use in case of a natural disaster.


However, the poor quality of the stored grains and the high prices sought by the reserves body to avoid too great a loss on stocks purchased at above-market prices meant that much of the grain put up for auction went unsold in recent years. Regular weekly grains auctions will kick off after the stock-clearing sale on Friday.


China’s mounting grain inventories are expected to further boost total global stocks to a new record of 474m tonnes for the crop year 2016-17, according to latest figures from the International Grains Council. At almost 200m tonnes, inventories in China may be the largest since 1999-2000, nominally accounting for more than 40 per cent of the world total, said the IGC.

根据国际谷物理事会(International Grains Council,IGC)发布的最新数据,中国不断增高的粮食库存预计会进一步推升全球总库存,在2016-2017农事年将其推升至4.74亿吨的新纪录。IGC表示,中国近2亿吨库存也许是1999至2000农事年以来的最高水平,这一数字从表面上说占了全球总库存的40%以上。

China said this year it would scrap the minimum purchase price policy. The expectation of lower prices has already impacted plantings this year. Acreage planted with corn in the north-east breadbasket fell this year for the first time in 13 years, the vice minister of agriculture said this month.


After Beijing’s announcement, corn prices in China have fallen sharply. The price of the commodity traded in Dalian is now at Rmb1,691 ($258) a tonne, down almost a fifth since the start of the year.


The US Department of Agriculture officials last month warned that the Chinese government could face paper losses of more than $10bn on its state-owned corn reserves as it shakes up its agricultural support policy.


Administrative efforts to trim the reserves, for instance by issuing import quotas only to companies that agree to buy at the auctions, have backfired. Feed mills and food processors prefer to buy or import fresh, cheaper grain and simply resell the unwanted old stocks back to the warehouses, where it is entered in ledgers as new stocks.


The distortions of the grains reserve policy is amplified by lack of information about what exactly the warehouses hold. Chinese media occasionally expose corruption in the grains reserves system, including tales of cotton warehouses stuffed with mattresses and granaries that mysteriously burn down shortly before inspectors are due to arrive.



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