






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-6-8 23:06| 查看数: 1055| 评论数: 0|

There was a time, not all that long ago, when the well-groomed man kept his haircut short and his beard trimmed. Maybe, if he was really dapper, he got his nails buffed, too.


That’s not enough anymore for some, and an increasing number now regularly go to get “manscaped”, i.e. pruned, waxed, plucked and shaved from head to toe.


But, wait. Aren’t men supposed to be hairy? Isn’t that what being masculine is all about? Until fairly recently, only actors, body builders and swimmers fessed up to removing hair, and that was for professional reasons.


“Honestly, 10 years ago it was still a bit taboo,” said Melani Mari, owner of Bare Skin Studio in Laguna Hills, Calif. “In the last five or six years, it’s gone from being hidden in a dark corner to having people like me.”


The expression "manscaping" was popularized by the TV show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, in which gay men tried to help straight ones become more stylish. The show encouraged heterosexual men to embrace rituals such as removing hair, using skin lotions and having facials.


A few years ago, it was rare to see a man having a facial, a pedicure or being slathered with lotion in public. Nowadays, it’s increasingly common. And then there’s the hair removal.


The trend toward a new, less hirsute society has not only spawned magazine articles but even books and academic study.A 2012 article in Cosmopolitan magazine suggested that women could predict what kind of boyfriend a man would make, based on how much and where he chose to be shorn.


A guy who never has his hair removed might be “sweet but lazy,” one expert opined.


And it’s not only younger men who feel more comfortable now using body-conscious services. Mari said that many of her clients are middle-age executives who want to appear youthful, for the sake of their careers and the women in their lives.


The new body-grooming craze mirrors a greater acceptance of men’s interest in how their bodies look. Guys who once went to the gym and left the rest to nature are now getting tattooed, pierced, moisturized and waxed.



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