






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-6-11 22:55| 查看数: 757| 评论数: 0|

I am Stewart Macintosh with the BBC News, hello.

Eurozone finance ministers agreed to unlock about 11.

5 billion dollars in bailout fund to Greece after late night talks in Brussels.

They also agree to phase in debt relief in two-years-time, a key demand of the Greek government and the International Monetary Fund.

The ministers said the progress has been made possible by Greece’s continued economic reforms.

The Greek Finance Minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, welcomed the deal.

“It’s an important moment for Greece after so much time we have now an agreement not only on the review and structure measures, but on that the two were collided into one.

” If you remember in the summer we agreed the first, to finish the first review, and then there would be a discussion on debt, but these two things have collided, and now we have an overall package.

The Afghan Taliban says it has appointed a new leader following the killing of Mansour by American drone strike on Saturday.

The Taliban spokesman named Haibatullah Akhundzada as the movement’s new head.

The Islamic State group is facing two separate major offensives trying to push it from territories at holds in Syria and Iraq.

A Kurdish-led lines in north eastern Syria is trying to advance towards the IS’s strong hold.

While in Iraq, government forces are continuing thereafter to recapture the city of Fallujah.

From Beirut, Clinton reports.

Iraqi forces are continuing their offensives against Fallujah, a city which has been under the tight control of the so-called the Islamic State for more than two years.

Iraqi commander said the operation was going to plan, but IS has launched a number of counterattacks against pro-government positions.

Around hundreds of thousands civilians are thought to be still inside the city.

Over the border in Syria, another offensive against the IS is under way.

Kurdish troops are fighting to the north of the city where IS is headquartered.

The Syrian democratic forces, which also include Arab tribes, are bound by the American air power and weaponry.

Cuba\'s Communist government says it legalizing small and medium sized private businesses.

It’s the latest stage in a series of economic reforms.

Cander reports, Cuba has now officially recognized the non-state sector, in one of the world’s last centrally planned economies.

The last reform allow self-employment in several hundred job categories, many of these workers became small businesses and employed others.

Raul Castro has been trying to stimulate Cuba\'s stagnate economies but the reforms face resistance from Cuban Communist Party hardliners who fear it could undermine the single party system.

The economy is also opening up to foreign investment, with restriction last year of diplomatic relations with the United States.

World news from the BBC.

The US Department of Justice says it will seek the death penalty for Dylann Roof, a white man accused of killing nine black parishioners at a historic church in South Carolina last June.

Idina has more details.

22-year-old Dylann Roof faces charges brought by both US federal government and the state of South Carolina, he face 33 federal counts including hate crimes and firearm offences.

He’s accused of holding white profuse abuse, authority say he targeted the victims because of their race.

America\'s top lawyer, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the nature of the alleged crime and the resulting harm compelled her decision to introduce death penalty in the federal case, who is also charged with nine counts of murder in the state court.

Demonstrators opposing Donald Trump the presumptive Republic nominee for the US presidency have clashed with police in the State of New Mexico where he was holding his latest rally.

Protestors threw burning T-shirts carrying Trump campaign slogans along with stones and plastic bottles.

Police in riot gear responded with pepper spray and smoke grenades.

Inside the convention center, protestors repeatedly interrupted Mr.

Trump before being ejected by security guards.

Some were arrested.

Chilean students posing as tourists to hold a rally protest against an education reform inside presidential palace in Santiago.

Once the group of at least 20 got passed the entrance, they run to an off-limit area and unfold a banner saying “Notice, today begins the offensive”.

There’s gonna shop drop inantibiotics prescribed by doctors in England following a government campaign to cut their use.

Official figures show prescriptions were down 7% on the previous year, greatly exceeding the 1% target.

Over use globally is causing bacteria to become resistant.


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