






发布者: BlueMask | 发布时间: 2006-4-18 22:05| 查看数: 12964| 评论数: 12|

Welcome to  our NCE BOOK 3 study-diary section .


July 发表于 2006-4-18 22:07:23


体力的          manual
衣领              collar
牺牲,献出   sacrifice
好处              privilege
清洁工           dustman
公司              corporation
工作服           overalls
淋浴               shower===bath
秘密                secret
地位                status
Every morning,Alf weared a black suit go for work,when he came the corporation ,he changed for overalls and work as a dustman for eight hours.After that,when the working finished,he would changed into his suit and have a shower ,then came home.He did that for over two years,but his wife never found the secret until Alf found another job.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-19 21:57:52编辑过]

soso 发表于 2006-4-18 22:58:25
found x 4 + find x 1<BR>archaeologists x 4<BR>have been  x 3 + had been  x 1<BR>temple x 3<BR>city x 3<BR>among remains x 2<BR>explored x 2
three storeys high ~ three feet high<BR>for (reason) x 2<BR>at one time x 2<BR>modern-looking ~ full-length
dating from =&gt; of<BR>Roman Times =&gt; Classical Times<BR>
BlueMask 发表于 2006-4-20 21:36:03
We study <STRONG>lesson 5</STRONG> today.
<STRONG>Some expressions:<BR></STRONG><BR>1   refuse to publish it<BR><BR>refuse:    vt. 拒绝(态度严厉)<BR>decline:   vt.  婉言谢绝<BR>repudiate: vt.  断然拒绝<BR><BR>2   set out to do sth.==decide and try to do 决定,打算,着手做=set about doing<BR>Ega: He set out to make his first 1,000,000 in 5 years
3   take sb. a long time to do sth. 某事花了某人很久的时间<BR>It took me five days to write the article.
4   fail to
5   reluctantly = unwillingly 勉勉强强地,不情愿地
6   as it had originally been written = in its original way<BR>
过路鬼 发表于 2006-4-23 17:22:16
BlueMask 发表于 2006-4-23 20:02:33
What did u appreciate for?
Stone 发表于 2006-4-24 02:01:03
BlueMask 发表于 2006-4-25 23:16:28
I study <STRONG><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #dedefe">lesson 11</FONT></STRONG> today.
Some useful expressions:
The Officer went through the case with great care. = The Officer examined the case carefully.<BR>with great care----强调相当的仔细
in a mess:乱作一团<BR>介词in 和名词搭配,表示一种状态<BR>  秩序井然: in good order<BR>  身体健康: in good health<BR>  心情好:   in a good mood<BR>  脾气好:   in a good temper
light up:喜气洋洋,容光焕发<BR>Eg: Masha's face lit up when she saw her old friend.<BR>    His face lighted up at the small triumph.<BR>    Tom really lighted up when he saw the new biccycle.<BR>light有两种过去分词,过去式形式:lit, lighted<BR>但是如果运用过去分词作定语,表示被点燃的。要用lighted <BR>一只被点燃的雪茄:a lighted cigar<BR>点燃的火炬:      a lighted stick.
介词短语--with delight “欣喜若狂的”<BR>with和抽象名词搭配,表示内心充满了一种感情<BR>自信地:  with confidence<BR>细心地:  with care<BR>骄傲的:  with pride<BR>欣喜若狂的:with delight<BR>惊讶的:    with surprise<BR>pounce on:向…猛扑过去,对…大做文章<BR>Eg: The policeman pounced on the thief.<BR> Don't pounce on my mistake.
should have 和过去分词搭配,表示本应该做某事却没有做,具有谴责性的味道。<BR>  You should have arrived here five minutes earlier.<BR>  You should have told me about it.<BR>本不应该做某事:shouldn’t have done
exempt:免除的,被免除的  be ~ from<BR>Drinks are not exempt from import duty.
as----关系代词, 引导非限制性定语从句。他所指代的内容就是主句的整个句子的含义。<BR>  As we know, the earth is round. (众所周知)<BR>  As Brian pointed out, …(正如…所指出的)<BR>  正如我很快得知的:as sb. mentioned <BR>关系代词as 和which的区别:<BR>  as 所引导 的非限制性定语从句,可用在主句之前<BR>  which 引导的非限制性定语从句,只能用在主句之后。
He was greeted by an unpleasant smell…<BR>   greet:问候,向…致意;觉察到, 呈现在…眼前,在…耳边<BR> I woke up and was greeted by a bird’s song.<BR> Inside the room adreadful mess greeted us.<BR> When he went into the kitchen, a smell greeted him.
BlueMask 发表于 2006-5-2 19:37:33
<STRONG><FONT face=Verdana color=#61b713>sol,我自学时用的就是那个,所以雷同了</FONT></STRONG>
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-1-16 23:20:05
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-3-9 22:00:49
蜗牛醒了 发表于 2007-11-1 12:08:03

蜗牛醒了 发表于 2007-11-1 12:09:31
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