






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-7-16 14:53| 查看数: 832| 评论数: 0|

Jubilant celebration have erupted in portugal after the national football team won the European Championship beating France 1-0 in Paris. The winning goal was scored by Eder in extral time to the dismay of the home fans in the Stade de France and the delight of Portuguese supporters. Our correspondent in Lisbon Allison Roberts was watching the match. The reaction in public squares and private homes around Portugal was wild when the whistle blew after extral time. For the first time ever the national football scott has won a major tournament. Twelve years after failing to win the European Championship staged in Portugal, the feat was finally achieved against host France and the winning goal was scored after Cristiano Ronaldo captain and adored national was stretched off injured.

The United Nation Security Council has been holding an emergency session to discuss the resumption of violence in South Sudan. Hundreds of people are reported to have been killed since fighting broke out on Thursday in the capital Juba. The clashes are between soldiers loyal to president Salva Kiir, and those led by the vice president Riek Machar who recently signed a peace deal.

More results from Sunday’s election in Japan show that the coalition government of the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has won an important 2/3 majority in the Upper House. It gives Mr.Abe the option to try to revise Japan’s Pacifist Constitution. From Tokyo Steven Evans reports. Prime Minister are beckoning a move towards holding a referendum on whether the constitution so called Pacifism Clause which forbids Japan fighting wars should be changed. It was imposed on a shattered, defeated nation by the victorious Americans 70 years ago.

North Korean military says it will take physical counter measures against the deployment of the sophisticated US anti-missile system planned for South Korean. It said it would act as soon as the time and the location of the system was known. The South Korean said the site chould be chosen within weeks and the missiles installed by the end of next year. World news from the BBC.

The police chief in the US city of Dallas has said that they believe the gunman who shot dead five police officers there was planning an even larger attack. David Brown also revealed that Micah Johnson taunted the authorities during two hours of negotiations. From Dallas, James Cook reports. The details revealed by Dallas police chief David Brown are disturbing. He told CNN that Micah Johnson, a black Army veteran, had insisted on speaking with a black negotiator and then taunted police, asking how many officers he had shot, lauging and singing and scrawling in blood on the wall of the parking garage where he was cornered and eventually killed. It’s also emerged that the 25 year old had practiced military-style drills at home and the private Academy of Combative Warrior Arts which teaches tactics such as "shooting on the move".

A prominent activist from the Black Lives Matter Movement in the United States has been released after being detained overnight in a jail in Lousiana. DeRay Mckesson was picked up during protests in Baton Rouge where a black man had been killed by police last week. Officer said that he had been charged with abstructing a highway along with around 100 others who were detained.

On a rare visit to Israel, the Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has warned that the prospects of peace and security is moving further from the reach of Israelis as long as the conflicts of the Palestinian people continues. Mr.Shoukry said that a two-state solution was not far-fetched but the deteriorating conditions for Palestinians were undermining peace prospects. Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the Palestinians to join Israel in direct negotiations.

Colombian officials say that 35,000 Venezuelans have crossed into their country to shop for basic supplies. It’s the first time that Venezuela has opened the border since last August. Venezuelans flocked to supermarkets to buy rice, flower, oil and also toilet paper.

And that is the latest BBC news.


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