






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-7-19 13:13| 查看数: 803| 评论数: 0|

President Obama has urged Americans to reject despair over racial tension, saying the nation is not as divided as it seems.

He was speaking at a memorial service for five Dallas policemen shot dead by a sniper who want to avenge the killing of black man by police.

Mr. Obama said the police should not be stereotyped as biased or bigoted.

We know that the overwhelming majority of police officers do an incredibly hard and dangerous job fairly and professionally, they are deserving our respect and not our scorn.

But he said the concerns of many minority groups should be taken seriously. We can not simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as trouble makers or paranoid. They can simply dismiss it as a symptom of political correctness or reversed racism.

To have your experience denied like that, dismissed by those in the authority, dismissed perhaps even by your white friends, coworkers, fellow members again and again and again, it hurts.

Bernie Sanders has officially endorsed his rival Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate for president of the United States.

At a campaign rally in New Hampshire, Mr. Sanders said he would do all he could to ensure her victory in November.

He said it was vital to stop the Republican Donald from winning. Mrs. Clinton praised Senator Sanders for bringing people off the sidelines and into the political process.

Britain's main opposition Labor Party has decided that the current leader Jeremy Corbyn can automatically stand for reelection in the phase of a challenge by the MP Angela Eagle.

Many of Mr. Corbyn's parliamentary colleagues argue that he needed their endorsement. Only 20% of them backed him in a confidence vote last week. Robert reports. Labors bruising civil war over the party's very purpose and role in British politics has taken another term.

It's a twist that seems to guarantee a showdown between the hard left of the party as represented by Jeremy Corbyn and many activists who support him in the country and the party's more moderate MPs.

Last year it was a contest Mr. Corbyn easily won. His opponents hoped to doubt through his growth last year about his ability to ever be elected prime minister. Whatever the outcome, there seems certain to be a hard fought and bad tempered contest with both sides describing it as an existential struggle.

The Venezuelan military has started monitoring ports and food processing plants in an effort to ease chronic shortages of basic goods.

The move follows President Nicolas Maduro's announcement on Monday that the armed forces would take a leading role by distributing food, medicine and other essential supplies.

World news from the BBC.

The Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has visited the site of a train crashed that killed 23 people in southern Italy. He promised a full investigation into how two trains came to be on the same single track in the town of Bari.

The high-speed head on collision pulverized the front carriages of both trains.

Some of the injured are in a critical condition. Our reporter Dan Johnson is at the scene of the crash.

Now recovery effort is still going on here into the night.

This is the privately run line with decent safety records so the key question is how could two trains have ended up on the same line speeding towards each other. The prime minister has promised that he will get the answers for the victims' families and for this country.

The German president says his country's diplomats in Chile should have said something about the human rights violation at a secretive colony of ethnic Germans in the 1960s and 1970s. Speaking in Chile, Joachim Gauck said he deplored the atrocities committed at Colonia Dignidadbut Germany did not share responsibility.

The enclave was set up by a former Nazi officer as an agricultural commune of German migrants.

It was used as a torture center during the Pinochet era.The Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington has asked visitors to refrain from playing the hit mobile phone game Pokemon Go on its premises.

The augmented reality app allows users to hunt and catch digital creature in real life locations. The museum said it was extremely inappropriate to play Pokemon Go in memorial to victims of the Nazis.

The nearby Arlington military Cemetery has made the same plea. In a surprised reversal of its original vote, the Anglican Church of Canada has narrowly approved same sex marriage after a recount.

There have been scenes as despair on many of the delegates of the general senate when the gay marriage provision failed by a single vote on Monday. Reversal came about when some delegates doubted the votes have been tallied correctly.


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