






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-7-23 15:32| 查看数: 1090| 评论数: 0|

More than 70 people are reported to have been killed in an attack in the southern French city ofNice. A lorry drove at a high speed into a crowd watching a Bastille Day firework display. TheNice prosecutor says the vehicle continued for two kilometers before police shot the driver dead. As Andy Mohr now reports the crowd had to run for their lives.


There was panic at theend of the Bastile Day celebrations since the trcuk mounted the crowd pavement on thePromenade des Anglais. According to witnesses the driver swerve several times to hit as manypadestrians as possible. French authority say the driver was killed. There are reports he got outof his vehicle and started shooting. Television images from the scene showed the window ofhis truck riddled with bullets. Colin Srivastava was in Nice when the attack unfolded.


We werebasically sitting just in front of the Old Town in Nice and saw several hundred people runningtowards us looking panic stricken. We tried to ask a few of them what the hell was going on andfinally got one that said, You need to go, the police have told us to run.Colin Srivastava ending that report by Andy Mohr. The regional president and former mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi says it was clearly a deliberate attack.



It was an individual whosebehaviour was totally premeditated, totally planned, and he drove into the crowd, he shot thepolice. The lorry was loaded with weapons. It was loaded with grenades. Prosecutor say anti-terror officers have taken over the investigation. President Francois Hollande is holding a crisismeeting in Paris. The attack came just hours after President Hollande announced that thestate of emergency in France would end later this month. It had already been extended twicesince the Paris attack by Islamic Militants in November and a further three months extentsionhave been approved but the president said it would not make sense to keep the measure inplace indefinately. World leaders have condemened the attack. Laura Becca has this report from Washington.


President Barack Obama condemned what he said appeared to be a horrificterrorist attack in Nice. He said his thoughts and prayers are with the families and other lovedones of those killed. He prays the extraodinary resilience and democratic values that havemade France an inspiration to the entire world and offered French officials any assistance that they may need to investigate the attack and bring those responsible to justice.A spokesman for the British Prime Minister Theresa May said she was shocked and concerned by the scene from Nice. The president of the European Council Donald Tusk said it was a tragicparadox the people celebrating liberty, equality and fraternity were attacked. This is the latest world news from the BBC.


In other news Donald Trump has told an American TV channel he has not yet made a final decision on a running mate. Media report suggest the Republican presidential candidate willname Mike Pence the governor of Indianna and a member of the right-wing tea partymovement. Mr.Trump was due to make a announcement in New York on Friday but hepostponed a news conference following that attack in Nice.

An Appeals Court in New York has ruled that US government can not force Microsoft to giveauthorities access to the firm's servers located in other countries. The decision has been seenas a precedent for protecting the privacy of cloud computing services.The US Department of Justice had wanted to access a server in Ireland as part of an investigation into a drug case.



The US Secretary of State John Kerry has been having talks in Moscow with Russian leaders onwhat US media say our controversial proposals for the two countries to coordinate theirmilitary operations against Islamic militants in Syria. The State Department said that theydiscussed the need to increase pressure on Islamic State and the Al-Nusra Front fighters. Butthe White House spokesman Josh Earnest said there was no guarantee that the two countrieswould work together. At present, the United States is not conducting, or coordinating militaryoperations with Russia. And there is some speculation that an agreement may be reached todo so, but it's not clear that will happen.


UNESCO said that at least half of young people aged between 15 and 17 in Sub-Saharan Africaare not in school, the highest rate for any region in the world. More than 93 million children inprimary and secondary school age in sub-Sahara Africa don't receive formal education. Conflict,poverty, and resistance to educating girls are some of the reasons given. BBC World News.


词汇解析1.display n/v.陈列,展示,表现例句:It was unlike Gordon to display his feelings.

戈登不太可能表露他的情感。2.indefinately adv.无限期地例句:I couldn't stay there indefinitely.

我不能无限期地呆在那里。3.fraternity n.兄弟情谊,具有相同职业的人例句:Bob needs the fraternity of others who share his mission.

鲍勃需要与他共同肩负这项使命的其他人的友爱互助。4.condemn v.谴责,宣判,正式宣布(建筑)不安全例句:He was condemned to life imprisonment.

他被判终身监禁。5.coordinate v/n.调和,和谐,坐标例句:Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to co-ordinatethe relief effort.



1.Television images from the scene showed thewindow of his truck riddled with bullets.riddled with 充满例句:Unknown attackers riddled two homes withgunfire..

来路不明的袭击者用枪炮将两处住宅打得千疮百孔。例句:The darkness saved me from being riddled with bullets.

身处黑暗中让我不至于被子弹打得浑身是洞。2.The decision has been seen as a precedent for protecting the privacy of cloud computingservices.cloud computing 云计算例句:Cloud computing and grid computing are scalable.

云计算和网格计算都是可伸缩的。例句:We all know why the concept of cloud computing excites us.



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