





BBC新闻:德国慕尼黑枪击案追凶 希拉里将宣布

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-7-27 15:31| 查看数: 690| 评论数: 0|

Hello, I am Julie Candler with the BBC news.

Police in Germany have launched a huge men hunt for a group of men who carried out a mass shooting at a shopping center in Munich. At least nine people have been killed, police say one of them may have been an attacker. Much of Munich has been shut down with all transports services suspended. People have been warned to stay indoors. Damien Mcguines isin Berlin.

It's a very confusing situation because police are saying they are looking for up to three perpetrators but they are not sure if actually it could be just one or three or if the one shooter isdead. So, there's lot of confusion and lot of chaos right now in Munich because of course police and emergency and security services have to take into accountif possibly, we have a couple of perpetrators who are still on the run.

Richard Guchar is a reporter with the regional broadcast of Biya TV, he was just outside the shopping mall and he described a very tense scence just after the attack.

The police are very very nervous, they are walking in a hetch of formation of ten to twelve officers, aiming their guns inall directions. The people living here are very nervous, this is right in the middle of a residential area. They can't believe their eyes what's happening herethat there are officers with drawn semi-automatic guns patrolling the area asit is a very bad movie.

The German Chancellor will convene ameeting of the country's security council, her chief of staff, Peter Altmaiersaid it was unclear who was behind the attack. Innitial suspetion fell onIslamists but there are also suggestions that it could have been a active farright extremism. Footage shot in a mobile phone appears to show a gunman dressed in black shouting curses against foreigners.

The White House has condemened the Munich attack in a strongest possible term. President Obama promised to provide whatever support Germany might need. The French president Francois Holland also voiced his support for Germany. The British foreign secretary Boris Johnson said he was shocked and appalled by the terrible attack and Britain was ready to assist.

The deputy prime minister of Turkey Norety Genicli has described last week's attempted coup was one of the greatest attack the country has faced, he said the dismiss and detention of some 60,000 peoplein the aftermath was just a beginning.

For 40 years this terror organization has infiltrated the furthest corners of the country, all ministries, allinstitutions and private sectors, it's not just the judiciary court, the police, the military, it sink through education and in fact, education is the field that they have entered best. This is only the tip of iceburg, the numberof detentions could get higher.

In a BBC interview, MR.Genicly say the coup ploter posed a bigger threat than the Islamic State group or the Kurdish Militant Organization the PKK.

BBC news.

Aid agencies say urgent help is needed for more than 85,000 Syrian refugees stuck in no man's land on their country's border with Jordan. The humanitarian situation has deteriorated since a suicide bombing near the makeshift rockbound camp one month ago that killed seven Jordanian soldiers, afterwards Jordan declared its northern and eastern borders are closed milirary zone. Yoland Neil reports.

The international committee of the red cross and doctors without borders have both made appeals for access to the border. International law demands that those fleeing war should be given asylum. Humanitarian organization find themselves unable to press Jordan to reopen its borders to rufugees, many western nations keeping that firmly closed. Already, there are more than 650,000 resgitered Syrian refugees in Jordan, that's about ten percent of the population.

Hillary Clinton is expected this weekend to name her running mate for the US presidential election in November. Mrs. Clinton will be normally nominated as candidate for president at the Democratic Partyconvention in Philadelphia next week. The speculation is that Mrs.Clinton will opt for the Verginia senator Tim Kaine.

A former leader of the white supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan has said that he is going to run for the US senate.David Duke wants to represent Lousiana. In the vedio Mr. Duke, a registered Republican paid tribute to the presidential hopeful Donald Trump, he said it was time to stop mass immigration, his local Republican party said it would actively oppose him.

At least 16 people have been killed in Northern Mali in two days fighting between tuareg rebels and pro-government militia. The clashes bigin on Thursday after several months of tension over control of the town of Kidal. The two sides blame each other for starting the fighting, the pro-government forces have withdrawn from the town.

BBC news.


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