






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-8-6 15:50| 查看数: 1709| 评论数: 0|


A: Thanks for saving me a seat.谢谢你帮我留座位。B: Don’t mention it. / Anytime.这没什么。

A: I want you to know how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me.我想让你知道我有多感激你为我做的一切。B: I’m glad I can help. / It’s my pleasure.我很高兴能帮得上忙。∕这是我的荣幸。

A: This gift is a token of our appreciation.这个礼物代表我们的感谢。B: Oh, you shouldn’t have!噢,你太客气了!

A: Thanks so much for letting me borrow your bike.非常感谢你让我借用你的脚踏车。B: Think nothing of it. Borrow it whenever you want.这没什么。你随时想借都可以借。表达歉意实用对答

A: I’m very sorry about this mistake. I feel terrible.很抱歉犯了这个错。我觉得很难受。B: I should hope so. What you did wascompletely unacceptable.希望是如此。你所做的事情完全让人无法接受。

A: I feel so bad about spilling tea on your carpet.我对于把茶洒在你的地毯上感到很过意不去。B: Don’t worry about it. It’s an old carpet anyway.别担心。反正是旧地毯了。

A: Pardon me for interrupting, but has any of you seen Tom?抱歉打扰一下,你们有人看到汤姆吗?B: Nope, sorry. I don’t think he came to work today.抱歉,没有耶。我想他今天没来上班。

A: I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to your party.我很抱歉没办法去参加你的派对。B: No worries. We’re sorry we missed you, though.不用担心。不过我们很遗憾你没来。寻求建议实用对答

A: My final exams are in two weeks. Do you think I should start studying for them?我两个星期后要期末考试。你觉得我应该开始准备了吗?B: If you ask me, you should start studying today.如果你问我的话,你应该今天就开始学习。

A: What can I get Mary for her birthday? Do you have any suggestions?我可以送什么生日礼物给玛丽?你有什么建议吗?B: If I were you, I’d get her flowers. They’re her favorite.如果我是你,我会送花给她。她最喜欢花了。

A: I bought these shoes last week, and the heels are already falling off.我上星期才买的这双鞋,结果鞋跟就已经脱落了。B: Maybe you should try to ask for a refund.也许你可以试着要求退款。

A: I have to give a speech tomorrow. Any words of advice?我明天要演讲。有什么建议吗?B: It’ll be fine. Whatever you do, just remember to relax.没问题的。不管怎么样,记得放轻松就好。鼓励英语实用对答

A: I’m so bad at math. I feel like giving up.我数学不好。我想要放弃了。B: Keep your chin up. I know you can do better.不要气馁。我知道你可以做得更好的。

A: I’ll never finish this science project on time.我不可能准时完成这个科研项目的。B: Just take a deep breath and focus on what you need to do.深呼吸并专注你要做的事就好了。

A: I can’t get this drawing right. I think I should just quit.这张图我老画不好。我想我应该直接放弃算了。B: Come on! You can do it. I believe in you.别这样!你做得到的。我对你有信心。

A: This test looks really hard.

这个测验看起来真难。B: I know you’ll succeed if you put your mind to it.我知道只要你用心一定会成功的。给予赞美的实用句

• You’re the greatest!你是最棒的!• How impressive!好厉害!∕令人刮目相看!• (You did a/an) good/great/awesome job!(你)做得好 / 棒 / 太棒了!• You’re a pro!你真是个高手!• No one does it better than you.没有人表现得比你好。• I admire/respect your work.我对你的工作表现表示敬意。• My compliments on your project.我很赞赏你的方案。• You have a very successful business.你的事业很成功。• You always know the right thing to say.你说话总是很得体。• You really stand out at the party.你在派对上的确引人注目。• This new hairstyle fits you perfectly.这个新发型非常适合你。• Your hair is so shiny.你的头发闪亮有光泽。• Your skin is so soft and smooth.你的皮肤真是吹弹可破。• Your earrings go really well with your outfit.你的耳环和你的套装非常搭配。• I love what you did with your makeup.我很喜欢你化的妆。• You look fabulous in that shirt.你穿那件衬衫真是好看极了。• That skirt really makes you look beautiful!那条裙子真的让你看起来很美!表达恭贺实用对答

A: Are you kidding? It’s an honor, and you deserved it.

你在开玩笑吗?这是个荣誉,而且你值得这个奖。B: Thanks. I appreciate that.谢谢。我很感谢你这么说。

A: I’ve got some great news. I just received a promotion.我得到一些好消息。我刚获得升迁了。B: Wow! I’m delighted for you. It couldn’t have happened to a better person.哇!我为你感到开心。没有比你更适合的人选了。

A: Did you know? I’m getting married!你知道吗?我要结婚了!B: Really? That’s fantastic. Have you set a date?真的吗?太棒了。日子订好了吗?

A: I heard your daughter just graduated. Congratulations!我听说你女儿毕业了。恭喜!B: Yes, and she’ll be off to college next month.是啊,她下个月就要离家去上大学了。邀约回应实用对答

A: I’m going to have a barbecue at the beach on Saturday, so feel free to come along!我星期六要去海边烤肉,随时欢迎来参加!B: That sounds great. Count me in.听起来不错呀。算我一份。

A: If you’re not busy tomorrow, do you want to grab a bite to eat with me?如果你明天不忙,要不要跟我去吃点东西?B: I’m afraid I can’t make it. Maybe another time.我恐怕没办法赴约。也许下次吧。

A: Hi, Ted. Do you want to go to see a moviewith me tomorrow night?嗨,特德。明天晚上要不要和我一起去看电影?B: I’d really like to, but I already have a previouscommitment. Sorry about that.我很想去,但我已经先答应别人了。抱歉。

A: Would you like to meet me for a drink after work?下班后要不要和我一起去喝点东西?B: Sure, if you’re buying.好啊,如果你请客的话。拒绝他人实用对答

A: Do you want to have a cup of coffee?

你要来杯咖啡吗?B: Thanks, but I think I’ll pass. I’m not in themood for coffee right now.不了,谢谢。我现在不想喝咖啡。也可以说:I’d rather not. 还是不要了。

A: Are you going to the baseball game with me this weekend?你这周末要跟我去看棒球赛吗?B: Sorry, but no can do. I have other plans.抱歉,但我没办法去。我有其他计划了。也可以说:Maybe some other time. 或许下次吧。

A: Here, I have a gift for you.来,这是我要给你的礼物。B: I’m sorry, but I can’t accept that.很抱歉,我不能收。也可以说:This is too kind of you. Please keep this for yourself.你人真好。请自己留着就好。

A: I would like you to be in charge of this project.我希望你负责这个项目。B: Sorry, but there’s no way I can do that. I already have too much to do.抱歉,我办不到。我已经有太多事要做了。也可以说:I wish I could, but I have to say no. 我希望我可以,但我必须拒绝。


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