






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-8-16 18:20| 查看数: 940| 评论数: 0|

Kayoola is the brand name for the new bus, which is powered by solar panels on its roof. It seats 35 passengers and its maker hopes the Kayoola will become the first public bus in Africa to be powered by the sun. The engines of these electrically- powered buses are completely silent, says the chief engineer of the project. This bus, there’s actually no engine. What is driving the bus is a motor, a traction motor, which is being run by a battery and the battery banks are the ones that are linked to the solar system that’s on the roof. So we have the battery that is driving the motor and that gives us a full range of 80 kilometers on full charge. And then the solar panels come to supplement the extra mileage so it adds an extra kilometer to the total.


The Kayoola bus can be recharged using solar power or connected to an electric power source. Best of all, it does not emit harmful carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The systems are fully run on green energy so things to do with polluting the environment which ultimately will affect us and that’s the reason why you would work on such a products because in the future we’re looking at sustainable and green energy.


This solar- powered bus also helps save money on petrol by relying 100% on abundant, renewable sunlight. The difference between this Kayoola bus, the solar bus and these other buses is that they are the ones that are using fuel. This one is using batteries. But as you are driving when you are accelerating, you can tell that it’s powerful like these other buses.


Ugandan authorities say the Kayoola bus can help solve Kampala's traffic jams. The more options we have, we believe that it will help a lot in the issue of congestion. The price of the prototype bus is estimated at more than $140,000. If this model can be mass produced, the price will drop and it will sell for around $55,000 each. However, before the Kayoola bus is out on Ugandan roads customers have to be patient. There hasn’t been an official date set for its release.


重点解析1. be powered by v ph. 由……提供能源The lens, which could be a reality within 10 years, would be powered by body heat.

这种隐形眼镜可能在10年内成为现实,为其提供电源的是人体体温。2. carbon dioxide n. 二氧化碳

How much carbon dioxide you save, if any, depends on how far you live from work and how you get there, among other things.

如果真有的话,你可以节约多少二氧化碳? 它取决于你住得有多远还是你如何完成目标抑或其他因素?

3. be linked to... v ph.与……关联,与……相关The prevalence of these widgets means they can report on almost all your browsing activity, which can then be linked to databases full of the social data you intentionally share.

这些工具的盛行率意味着他们可以报告几乎所有你的浏览活动,然后将它们连接到充满你有意分享的社交数据的数据库中。4. mass produce v ph. 批量生产This meant that is was possible to mass produce rubber goods including condoms quickly and cheaply.这意味着有可能既快捷又便宜地批量生产包括避孕套在内的橡胶制品。


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