






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-8-21 20:59| 查看数: 1183| 评论数: 0|

BBC news with Debby Russ. Moscow has warned Ukraine that it’s playing with fire in Crimea after accusing Kiev of backing attempted incursion into the disputed territory. The Russian foreign ministry urged other countries to exert pressure on Kiev to refrain from taking any dangerous steps. Ukraine has put its military on high alert along the de facto border with Crimea.


As fierce fighting continues in Aleppo, the UN says it’s talking to Russia about what it calls a workable humanitarian pause to help up to 2 million civilians trapped in the divided Syrian city. Russian announced a daily three- hour pause in its bombardment to rebels there, but the UN says it wants a 48- hour weekly halt.


The lawyer for a Canadian terror suspect has told the BBC he shocked that his client was shot dead during a police operation in the Ontario town of Strathroy . Aaron Driver was a known Islamic sympathizer when he was arrested in February. The lawyer said restrictions were placed on him then to prevent him associating with Islamic extremists and questions needed to be asked about whether he had breached them.


Scientists are claiming a significant breakthrough in restoring partial mobility to people paralyzed by spinal cord injuries. Eight patients spent a year training their brains to activate devices such as robotic links. Unexpectedly the training appears to help them regain some voluntary control of sensitivity in their bodies.


The US government has made available 81 million dollars to help fund research into a vaccine for the Zika virus. The money was designed to keep research going despite a lack of funding from Congress.


A new research suggests that the mysterious predator, the Greenland shark, lives longer than any other animal with a span up to 400 years. Carbon Dating found that they easily outlive other vertebrate centenarians such as the tortoise, some whales and humans. And that's the latest. BBC news.


词汇解析1.incursion n. 入侵,侵犯例句:The English incursion was doomed from the outset.

从一开始,英国的入侵就劫数难逃。2.refrain from v ph.忍住,避免,抑制例句:If you can refrain from calling attention to your fears and anxieties, nobody will know about them.

如果你能克制住不去注意恐惧和焦虑,那么将无人会察觉到它们。3.de facto adj ph.实际上的,事实上的例句:They will be de facto in a state of war.

他们将会处于一场战争状态之中。4.outlive v.比……活的久/长寿,渡过……而存在例句:But nowadays women outlive men by about five to six years.

但现在女人平均比男人长寿五到六年。5.halt n.停止例句:The lift creaked to a halt at the ground floor.


内容解析1.Scientists are claiming a significant breakthrough in restoring partial mobility to people paralyzed by spinal cord injuries.spinal cord 脊髓例句:The scaffold, meanwhile, supports the growth of new axons up and down the spinal cord.

这种纳米纤维结构同时还能支持新的轴突沿着脊髓上下的生长。例句:These send signals through the spinal cord to the muscles to give us the ability to move.

这些神经细胞通过脊髓向肌肉发送信号,使我们具备运动的能力。2.Ukraine has put its military on high alert along the de facto border with Crimea.on alert 警戒状态例句:A bad or unidentified smell can 'make us go on alert, distract us from what we're doing and change our mood, ' usually for the worse, she says.

她说,一种坏味道或是来历不明的味道有可能引起人们的警觉,让人分心,并改变人的情绪,通常都是让情绪变得更糟糕。例句:Police are on alert during Halloween, especially for sex offenders. The common wisdom is that sex offenders are out and about on Halloween, looking for targets.



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