





Grace'S diary

发布者: Grace | 发布时间: 2006-4-19 16:12| 查看数: 27179| 评论数: 41|


Grace 发表于 2006-6-30 16:35:59
<p>Lesson thirty three/a fine day</p><p>It is a fine day today.</p><p>There are some <font color="#a344bb">clouds</font> in the sky.</p><p>But The sun is shining .</p><p>Mr.<font color="#bb44bb">Jones</font> is&nbsp;&nbsp;<font color="#9e4db3">with </font>&nbsp;his family.</p><p>They are Walking over the<font color="#bb44bb"> bridge</font>.</p><p>There are some boats on the river.</p><p>Mr.Jones and his wife are looking at them.</p><p>Sally is looking at a big ship.</p><p>The ship is going under the bridge.</p><p>Tim is looking at an <font color="#c43cc4">aeroplane</font>.</p><p>The aeroplane is flying over&nbsp;hte river.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p>又错了几个单词[em06]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-30 16:37:20编辑过]

Grace 发表于 2006-6-30 17:51:07
<p><font color="#4444bb"><strong>Lesson thirty five /our village</strong></font></p><p>This is a<font color="#b34db3"> photograph</font> of our village</p><p>Our village is in&nbsp;a velly.</p><p>It is between&nbsp;two hils.</p><p>The villege is on&nbsp;a river.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Here&nbsp;is another photograph of&nbsp;the village.</p><p>My wife and i are walking along the <font color="#b34db3">banks&nbsp;</font>of the&nbsp;river.</p><p>We are on the left.</p><p>There is a boy in the <font color="#aa55aa">water</font></p><p>He is swimming aross the river.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Here is a<font color="#9e4db3">nother</font> photograph of our village.</p><p>This is&nbsp;the school building .</p><p>It is beside a park.</p><p>The park is on the right.</p><p>There are some children coming out of the schook building.</p><p>Some of them they are going into the park.</p><p>&nbsp;[em04][em06]漏了很多介词,短语之类的.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-30 17:52:57编辑过]

Grace 发表于 2006-6-30 18:07:13
<p>先不按顺序了,要不后头又给忘了.</p><p><strong><font color="#3c57c4">Lesson fifty five/ The Sawyer family</font></strong></p><p>The Sawyer live at 87 king street.</p><p>In the morning ,Mr.sawyer goes to work,and the children go to school.</p><p>Their father takes them to school everday.</p><p>Mrs.Sawyer stays at home everday.</p><p>She does the houswork.</p><p>She always eats her lunch at noon.</p><p>In the afternoon ,</p><p>She usually sees her friends.</p><p>They ofter drink tea together.</p><p>In the everning ,</p><p>the children come home from school.</p><p>They arrive home early.</p><p>Mr.Sawyer&nbsp;comes home from work.</p><p>He arrives home later.</p><p>At night ,</p><p>the children usually do their homework,</p><p>Then they go to bed.</p><p>Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper,</p><p>But sometimes he and his wife watch television.</p><p>明天再来检查.吃饭.....</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-1 11:16:57编辑过]

redwheat 发表于 2006-6-30 23:06:40
Grace 发表于 2006-7-1 11:20:27
Grace 发表于 2006-7-1 15:35:03
<p><font color="#3333cc"><strong>Lesson fifty seven/a anusually day</strong></font></p><p>It is eight o'clock.</p><p>The children go to school by car&nbsp;everyday.</p><p>But today,they are going to school on foot.</p><p></p><p>It is ten o'clock.</p><p>Mrs.Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning.</p><p>But this morning ,she is going to the shops.</p><p></p><p>It is four o'clock,in the afternoon,</p><p>Mrs.Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room,</p><p>But this&nbsp;afternoon,she is drinking tea in the garden.</p><p></p><p>It is six o'clock,in the evening </p><p>the children usually do their homework,</p><p>But this evening,they are not doing the homework.</p><p>At the monment,They are playing in the garden.</p><p></p><p>It is nine o'clock,Mr.sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night,</p><p>But he is not reading his newspaper tonight.</p><p>At the monment ,he is reading an interesting book.</p><p></p><p></p>
Grace 发表于 2006-7-1 15:53:40
<p><strong><font color="#3352cc">Lesson fifty nine/Is that all?</font></strong></p><p>I want some envelopes please.</p><p>Do you want the large size or the small&nbsp;size?</p><p>The large size please.</p><p>Do you have any writing paper?</p><p>Yes,we do.</p><p>I don't have any small pads,I only have&nbsp;large one.</p><p>Do you want one?</p><p>Yes,please.</p><p>And i want some glue.</p><p>A bottle of glue.</p><p>And i wnat a large box of chalk ,too.</p><p>I only have small bexes.</p><p>Do you want one?</p><p>No,thank you.</p><p>Is that all?</p><p>That is all.</p><p>What else do you want?</p><p>My want my change.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-1 16:39:44编辑过]

Grace 发表于 2006-7-1 16:43:52
<p><strong><font color="#4444bb">Lesson thirty seven/Make a bookcase</font></strong></p><p>You're hard working ,george</p><p>What are you doing?</p><p>I'm makeing&nbsp;that &nbsp;bookcase.</p><p>Give me a hammer please.</p><p>Which hammer?</p><p>This one?</p><p>No,not that one,the big one.</p><p>This one?</p><p>Yes,please.</p><p>Here you are.</p><p>Thank you ,dan.</p><p>What are you going to now,geroge?</p><p>I'm going to paint it.</p><p>What colour are you going to paint it?</p><p>I'm going to paint it pink.</p><p>ink?</p><p>This bookcase isn't for me,</p><p>It is for my daughter susan.</p><p>ink is her <font color="#bb44bb">favourte</font> colour.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-1 16:49:40编辑过]

Grace 发表于 2006-7-1 16:58:33
<p>Lesson thirty nine/don't drop it</p><p>What are you going to with that vase ,penny?</p><p>I'm going to put it on this table,sam.</p><p>Don't do that .</p><p>Give it go me.</p><p>What are you going to with it?</p><p>I'm going to put here,in front of the window.</p><p><font color="#bb44bb">Be careful</font>,don't drop it.</p><p>Don't put there ,sam.</p><p>ut it here,on this shelf.</p><p>There we are.</p><p>It is lovely vase.</p><p>Those flower is lovely ,too.</p><p></p>
Grace 发表于 2006-7-1 17:18:34
<p>Lesson forty one/Penny's bag.</p><p>Is that bag heavy,penny?</p><p>Not very.</p><p>Here,put it on this chair.</p><p>What is in it .</p><p>A prece of cheese</p><p>A loaf of bread.</p><p>A&nbsp;bar of soap</p><p>A bar of <font color="#a344bb">chocolater.</font></p><p>A&nbsp;bottle of milk</p><p>A pound of sugar.</p><p>Half a of pound&nbsp; of coffee</p><p>A&nbsp;quarter of pound of&nbsp; tea</p><p>And a tin of <font color="#a344bb">tobacco.</font></p><p>It that tin of&nbsp;tobacco for me.</p><p>Well, it is <font color="#b34db3">certainly</font> not for me.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>[em06]
Grace 发表于 2006-7-1 17:30:30
<p><strong><font color="#3333cc">Lesson forty thiree/hurr up</font></strong> </p><p>Can you make the tea,sam?</p><p>Yes, of course i can,peeny.</p><p>Is there any water in the kettle.</p><p>Yes,there is.</p><p>Where is the tea?</p><p>It is over there,behind the teapot.</p><p>Can you see it ?</p><p>I can see the teapot.</p><p>But i can't see the tea.</p><p>There it is,It is front of you.</p><p>AH,yes,i can see it now.</p><p>Where are the cups?</p><p>There are some in the cupboard.</p><p>Can you find them?</p><p>Yes,here they are.</p><p>Hurry up,sam.</p><p>The <font color="#bb44bb">kettle</font> is <font color="#a344bb">boilding .</font></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-3 17:29:50编辑过]

Grace 发表于 2006-7-1 17:50:32
<p><strong><font color="#3c3cc4">Lesson forty five/The boss'letter</font></strong></p><p>Can you come here a <font color="#a93cc4">minute</font> please bob.</p><p>Yes,sir.</p><p>Where is&nbsp;pamela?</p><p>She is&nbsp;next door,she is in &nbsp;her office .</p><p>Can she type this letter for me?</p><p>Ask&nbsp;<font color="#bb44bb">her</font> please,</p><p>Yes,sir.</p><p>Can you type this letter for the boss please,pamela?</p><p>yes,of course i can.</p><p>Here you are .</p><p>Thank you ,bob.</p><p>Bob!</p><p>Yes,</p><p>What is the matter.</p><p>I can't type this letter ,</p><p>I can't read it.</p><p>The boss' handwriting is<font color="#9e4db3"> terrible.</font></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-3 16:47:26编辑过]

redwheat 发表于 2006-7-2 06:20:27
Grace 发表于 2006-7-3 08:48:09
<div class="quote"><b>以下是引用<i>redwheat</i>在2006-7-2 6:20:27的发言:</b><br/><p>[em04][em04][em10][em10]Grace,再仔细一点,不要着急,好不好?争取将单词写全写正确,OK?哈哈。不好意思,不要生气呀!</p><p></p></div><p></p><p>谢谢提醒!</p><p>我是心急点,单词总是记得老虎跟猫那样[em04]</p><p>谢谢,没有生气</p><p>&nbsp;[em04][em04]</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-3 15:39:02编辑过]

ferly 发表于 2006-7-3 15:27:25
Grace 发表于 2006-7-5 16:06:56
<p>Lesson forty seven/ a cup of coffee</p><p>Do you like coffee,Ann?</p><p>Yes,i do.</p><p>Do you wnat a cup?</p><p>Yes,please,christine</p><p>Do you want&nbsp;&nbsp;any sugar?</p><p>Yes,please.</p><p>Do you&nbsp; want any milk?</p><p>No,thank you.</p><p>I don't like milk in my coffee.</p><p>I like blace coffee.</p><p>Do you like biscuits.</p><p>Yes,i do.</p><p>Do you want one?</p><p>Yes,please.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-5 16:33:53编辑过]

Grace 发表于 2006-7-8 11:42:52
<p><strong><font color="#3c3cc4">Lesson forty nine /at the butcher's</font></strong></p><p>Do you wnat any meat today,Mrs.bird.</p><p>Yes,Please.</p><p>Do you want any beef or lamb?</p><p>Beef,please.</p><p>This lamb is very good.</p><p>I like lamb,but my husband doesn't like it .</p><p>What about some steak?</p><p>There is a nice piece.</p><p>Give me that piece ,please?</p><p>And a pound of mince ,too.</p><p>Do you want&nbsp;a chicken,Mrs.bird.</p><p>No,thank you.</p><p>My husband like steak,but he doesn't like chicken.</p><p>To tell you the truth,Mrs.bird.</p><p>I don't like chenk either.</p><p></p>
Grace 发表于 2006-7-8 16:19:13
<p><strong>Lesson fifty one/a pleasure climate</strong></p><p>Where do you come from?</p><p>I come from greece.</p><p>What is the climate in your country.</p><p>It is very pleasure.</p><p>What is weather like in spring ?</p><p>It is&nbsp; often windy in March.</p><p>It&nbsp;is always warm in april and may</p><p>But it is rains somethings.</p><p>What is like in&nbsp; summer?</p><p>It is always hot in jun,july and august.</p><p>The sun shines everyday.</p><p>Is it &nbsp;cold&nbsp; or warm &nbsp;in autumn</p><p>It is&nbsp;always&nbsp;warm in sepember, october,and november</p><p>Is it ofter cold in november.</p><p>And&nbsp;it &nbsp;is rains sometimes.</p><p>Is it very cold in winter?</p><p>It is often coil in December ,January and february.</p><p>It is snow sometime.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-8 16:45:54编辑过]

Grace 发表于 2006-11-9 13:09:16
Lesson 85/Paris in spring


Hi, george

Have you just been to the cinema?

Yes ,i have .

What's on?

Paris in spring.

oh,i've already seen it.

I saw it on television last year.

It is an old film .but it is very good .

Paris is beautiful city.

I,ve never been there .

Have you ever been there.ken?

Yes, i have.

I was there in april.

Parisin spring ,en?

It was spring ,but the weather was awful.

It rained all the time .

Just like london.

[ 本帖最后由 Grace 于 2006-11-10 10:21 编辑 ]
Grace 发表于 2006-11-10 10:36:06

Lesson 87/a car crash

Is my car ready yet?

I don't know ,sir.

What's your unmber of your car?

It's LFZ 312G

When did you bring it to us?

I brought it here three days ago.

Ah,yes. I remember now.

Have your mechanics finnished yet?

No,ther're still working on it.

Let's go into the garage and have alook at it .

Isn't that your car?

well, It was my car.

Didn't your have a carsh?

That is right .

I drove it into lamp-post.

Can your mechanics repair it?

Well ,they're trying to repair it;

But to tell your the truth ,you need a new car!

[ 本帖最后由 Grace 于 2006-11-10 10:46 编辑 ]
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