





BBC新闻:宜居类地行星新发现——Proxima b

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-8-31 13:52| 查看数: 1042| 评论数: 0|

The Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi says at least 120 people have been killed in the earthquake that struck towns and villages in a mountainous region overnight. Rescue teams in central Italy are searching the rubbles for survivors in the provinces of Umbrio, Lazio and Marche.

Turkish-backed Syrian rebels say they've captured the town of Jarablus in a major offensive against Islamic State group. But Turkey says its intervention is not only intended to target IS, it also wants to counter what Ankara regards as a security threat posed by Kurdish militants.

Security forces in the Afghan capital, Kabul, said they are working to clear a private university compound of any remaining attackers, hours after militants launched an attack there. Gunmen got inside the heavily-fortified American University and witnesses reported a huge explosion and volumes of gunfire.

Riot police have been reported of repeated clashes with anti-government protestors in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare. Police used tear gas and water canon to disperse the supporters of the main opposition movement for democratic change, who demanded that Zimbabwe's president, Robert Mugabe, step down.

The Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has signed into a law a bill which caps interest rates charged by commercial banks. Under the new law, banks will be prevented from charging more than 4 percentage points above the central bank's base rate.

The Indian government has unveiled a draft law to ban commercial surrogacy in an attempt to regulate the industry. If approved by parliament, the law will block foreigners, people of Indian origin, single parents and homosexuals from having children through surrogacy.

And space scientists have discovered a planet just outside our solar system that might host life. The leader of the team hailed the discovery of the planet, which is named Proxima b as the experience of a lifetime.

And that's the latest.

BBC news.


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