






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-9-1 21:51| 查看数: 640| 评论数: 0|

       The US has called for an end to fighting between Syrian rebels backed by Turkey and Kurdish-led forces as clashes between its allies threatens to upend Washington’s military plans in northern Syria.


        Rebel groups supported by Turkey, a Nato ally, pushed farther south into Syria on Monday, bringing them into conflict with forces largely made up of Syrian Kurds that have been backed by the Pentagon.


        The fighting underlined the sometimes precarious position of the US, which is supporting several proxies in different parts of the Syrian conflict and is trying to balance its alliance with Turkey with its support for Kurds, which have been one of the most effective forces against Isis.


        Ankara considers the Syrian Kurds as an extension of the PKK, an outlawed Kurdish group that has been fighting a three-decade insurgency in Turkey.


        Dozens of people have been killed in the latest clashes, which erupted after Turkish tanks rolled into Syria last week in an offensive against Isis but also aimed at Kurdish militia south of the border. Washington supported the Turkish operation but has become concerned as the fighting has escalated.


        The worst scenario for the US would be a battle between its different allies for control of Manbij, a strategically important town captured from Isis by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which is dominated by Kurdish militia, earlier this month.


        Brett McGurk, the US presidential envoy for the conflict against Isis, called the latest fighting between the rival Syrian groups “unacceptable” and urged them to focus on Isis, not each other.

        负责打击ISIS行动的美国总统特使布雷特•麦格克(Brett McGurk)称,最近相互对立的叙利亚组织之间上演的冲突是“不可接受的”,他敦促这些组织集中精力打击ISIS、不要内斗。


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