






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2016-9-5 20:35| 查看数: 1007| 评论数: 0|

       Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte has declared “a state of lawlessness” and invited the military and police to run affairs in the country following a bomb blast that killed at least 14 people at the weekend.

        上周末发生一起导致至少14人丧生的炸弹爆炸事件后,菲律宾总统罗德里戈•杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)宣布菲律宾进入“无法律状态”,并邀请军方和警方管理菲律宾各项事务。

        The move is likely to exacerbate fears that the country is sliding back to martial law-era politics under Mr Duterte, who was elected in May promising a hardline stance on corruption and crime.


        Mr Duterte however said that martial law had not been imposed. Police and military promised to act in accordance with his “state of lawlessness”, although there was some confusion about what that actually entailed.


        The President’s office said it referred to a constitutional clause that states the president has full power over the armed forces. Mr Duterte said there would be “many checkpoints” but stopped short of implementing a curfew.


        Mr Duterte’s signature “war on drugs” campaign has left about 2,000 drug users and pushers dead and been criticised by the UN and a slew of international human rights organisations for steamrolling the rule of law.


        The declaration of lawlessness follows an explosion in the president’s home town of Davao, which left at least 14 dead and nearly 70 wounded. Authorities have attributed the attack to the Islamist militant group Abu Sayyaf, which is active in the country’s southern Mindanao region.

        杜特尔特宣布菲律宾进入“无法律状态”之前,他的故乡达沃市发生了一起爆炸案,导致至少14人死亡,近70人受伤。当局已将这起袭击归咎于伊斯兰武装组织阿布沙耶夫(Abu Sayyaf),后者在菲律宾南部的棉兰老岛地区十分活跃。

        “I am inviting now the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the military and the police to run the country in accordance with my specifications,” said Mr Duterte following the attack on the city which he ran as mayor for 22 years.


        The leader — known locally as “The Punisher” for his hardline campaigns and tough-talking rhetoric — said he had a duty to protect the country.

        在菲律宾国内,杜特尔特因其强硬的行动和言辞而被称为“惩罚者”(The Punisher)。他说,他有责任保护菲律宾。

        But the move will probably set off alarms bells for many in the Philippines, which endured a prolonged period of military rule under the reign of former president Ferdinand Marcos.

        不过,对许多菲律宾人来说,杜特尔特的举动很可能会引起他们的警觉。菲律宾人曾在前总统费迪南德•马科斯(Ferdinand Marcos)统治下经历了漫长的军事统治时期。

        Marcos was forced from power by the People Power revolution in 1986 after a 21-year presidency that was characterised by rampant corruption and the brutal suppression of dissent.

        马科斯21年的总统任期以腐败猖獗和残酷镇压异见为特征。1986年,马科斯被“人民力量”(People Power)革命赶下了台。

        His legacy today, however, is undergoing a form of rehabilitation.


        Mr Duterte — whose father served in the Marcos cabinet — has pledged to reinter the body of the former dictator from its current home in northern Ilocos Norte province to the Heroes’ Cemetery in Manila. The move has split public opinion, with critics slamming Mr Duterte for trying to whitewash past crimes.

        杜特尔特的父亲曾在马科斯的内阁任职。杜特尔特已承诺,要将这位前独裁者的遗体,从其目前所在的北伊罗戈省迁至马尼拉的英雄公墓(Heroes' Cemetery)安葬。此举引发了民意的分裂,批评者抨击杜特尔特称,他企图为过去发生的罪行洗地。

        On Sunday, the capital Manila was on high alert, with increased police visibility and security checks as authorities warned of another potential attack.


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