






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-9-11 12:20| 查看数: 726| 评论数: 0|

BBC news with Julie Candler.

The Brazilian senators voted overwhelmingly todismiss President Dilma Rousseff at the end of herimpeachment trial. Senators found her guilty ofillegally tampering with the budget two years ago tohide a growing deficit. They voted down a proposal to ban Ms. Rousseff from public offices forthe next eight years.Opponents of President Ali Bongo in Gabon have set the national assembly on fire. They areangry at the announcement of his narrow victory over his rival, Jean Ping, whose supportersbelieve the results have been falsified.

A pan-African survey has found the continent's elephant population has declined by a thirdin the last decade, with almost 150,000 killed. The research has warned that half of theelephants left in Africa could be gone in the next ten years.

British scientists say a new Alzheimer treatment is showing promising results in trials, raisinghopes that a drug to slow the progression of the devastating disease may finally be in sight.The potential drugs slow the decline in memory and thinking skills of those in the early stagesof condition.

The US presidential candidate Donald Trump has arrived in Mexico which he criticizes as thehome of drug dealers and rapists. Mr. Trump will hold private talks with President Enrique Pe?aNieto.

Israel has approved the construction of nearly 300 new homes for Jewish settlers in theoccupied West Bank. It's also retrospectively legalized almost 200 existing homes.

Joe Sutter, the man considered to be the father of Boeing 747 aircraft has died at the age of95. The plane’s successful debut in 1969 ushered in the era of long-haul travel for themasses.And there has been record spending by English Premier League football teams eager to snap upnew players before the closure shortly after the summer transfer window. They've paid up toabout 1.3 billion dollars.

BBC news.












1.overwhelmingly adv.压倒性地,不可抵抗地

They channel their assistance overwhelmingly to social sectors or to infrastructure sectors such as water supply and sanitation that have direct effects on household health.他们把绝大多数的援助都投入到诸如供水和卫生系统这样对家庭健康有直接影响的基础设施部门中。

2.dismiss vt.解雇,开除,不予考虑

I dismissed the problem from my mind.


3.impeachment n.弹劾,控告,怀疑

There are grounds for impeachment.


4.deficit n.赤字,亏损

They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.


5.falsify vt.篡改,伪造

The charges against him include fraud, bribery, and falsifying business records.


6.Alzheimer n.阿兹海默病,阿兹海默症

Until now, the only definitive way to diagnose Alzheimer’s has been to search for plaque with a brain autopsy after the patient dies.


7.rapist n.强奸犯

The convicted murderer and rapist is scheduled to be executed next Friday.


8.retrospectively adv.回顾地

The retrospectively confirmed cases bring the total in Indonesia to 63. Of these cases, 48 have been fatal.


2内容解析:1.Senators found her guilty of illegally tampering with the budget two years ago to hide a growing deficit.

tamper with... 篡改,胡乱摆弄

When you tamper with this position, you are asking for trouble.


2.They are angry at the announcement of his narrow victory over his rival, Jean Ping,

be angry at... 对……生气/愤怒

Sure, you can be angry at getting splashed with mud, stepping in dog poop, or inadvertently throwing a red towel in with the white laundry. In fact, that is probably the most normal response.



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