






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-9-13 10:59| 查看数: 696| 评论数: 0|

Following days of rumors, Uzbekistan hasannounced the death of its president, IslamKarimov aged at 78. He was previously said to becritically ill. The funeral will take place on Saturday inhis home city of Samarkand.

A bomb explosion in the southern Philippines appears to have killed at least 12 people andinjured many more. The blast took place in a busy night market in Davao, the hometown ofpresident Rodrigo Duterte.

Hungarian police have recruited 3,000 officers that it described as border hunters to bedeployed along to the southern frontier with Serbia. They will help bolster the 10,000-strongforce already guarding the razor-wire fence to keep out migrants.

A delegation from the United Nations Security Council is in South Sudan to discuss a UNresolution to send 4,000 extra peacekeepers to the country. The South Sudanese governmenthas described the decision as neo-colonialist.

Opposition leaders in Gabon who have been tried for 3 days in their party headquarters, havebeen allowed to leave. Troops surrounded the building after opponents of president Ali Bongoset the national assembly on fire.

An MP in Kenya has asked parliament to pass a law recognizing a third gender. Isaac Mwaurasaid this would help end discrimination against intersex people, who were born with both maleand female characteristics. A serving British marine has been charged with terrorism offenses following a policeinvestigation into dissident Irish republican activity in Northern Ireland. Ciarán Maxwell has beenremanded in custody until his next court appearance on Monday.

A Church of England bishop has become the first to publicly declare that he is gay and in arelationship, although celibate. The revelation by the Right Reverend Nicholas Chamberlain, islikely to be embraced by campaigners for equality and alarm conservatives.

BBC news.

Jerry Smit为您报道BBC新闻。

经过数日的传闻之后,乌兹别克斯坦宣布总统卡立莫夫(Islam Karimov)去世,享年78岁。此前已有关于他病重的传言。葬礼将于周六在他的家乡城市撒马尔罕举行。

菲律宾南部发生炸弹爆炸事件,造成至少12人死亡,更多人受伤。爆炸发生在总统杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)的家乡达沃一个繁忙的夜市。



在政党总部接受了三天审判的加蓬反对派领导人获准离开。总统阿里•邦戈(Ali Bongo)的反对者在国民议会纵火之后,军队包围了这栋大楼。

肯尼亚一位议员请求议会通过一部法律,认可第三种性别的存在。Isaac Mwaura认为这样可以终止人们对阴阳人的歧视,他们生来具有男性和女性双重特质。

警方对北爱尔兰异见爱尔兰共和军活动进行调查后,一名现役英国海军被控实施恐怖主义。夏兰•马克斯韦尔(Ciarán Maxwell)已被还押,直到周一再次出庭。

英格兰教堂一位主教成为公开承认自己同性恋身份,并且有一位同性伴侣的首位主教,但是他们并未结婚。主教尼古拉斯•张伯伦(Nicholas Chamberlain)披露的消息可能被追求平等的活动家接受,但是会引起保守分子的警惕。



1.rumor n.<美>传闻

Rumor has it that he is having an affair with his secretary.


2.critically adv.危急地;严重地

She kept vigil at the bedside of her critically ill son.


3.recruit vt.招聘,征募

He helped to recruit volunteers to go to Pakistan to fight.


4.deploy vt.&vi.(尤指军事行动)使展开;施展;有效地利用

The infantry began to deploy at dawn.


5.frontier n.边疆,边境

Until very recently Texas was an unsettled frontier.


6.bolster vt.支持;支撑;鼓励;援助

Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.


7.discrimination n.歧视;辨别

They knew that discrimination was going on, but chose to ignore it.


8.dissident n.持异议者

The dissident was cast out from his country.


9.remand vt.[律]将…还押候审;将…发回重审;[法]还押

Carter was remanded in custody for seven days.


10.embrace vt.接受;信奉

He embraces the new information age.



1.They will help bolster the 10,000-strong force already guarding the razor-wire fence to keep out migrants.

keep out(使)留在外面

Peg down netting over the top to keep out leaves.


2.Troops surrounded the building after opponents of president Ali Bongo set the national assembly on fire.

set on fire放火

As I arrived a lorry had just been set on fire and was burning fiercely.



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