





BBC新闻:美国立法允许9/11受害者亲属控诉沙特 奥巴马否决无效

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-10-6 21:44| 查看数: 997| 评论数: 0|

President Obama says a dangerous precedent has been set by the decision of the U.S. Congress to overrule his veto of legislation, allowing families of victims of the September 11th attacks to sue the Saudi government. Mr. Obama said the bill eliminated the notion of sovereign immunity, opening up U.S. forces or officials working overseas to possible legal action.

The oil producers cartel, OPEC, has agreed an outline deal to cut production in a bid to shore up the price of crude. It's the first of such agreement in eight years where prices jumped 5% on the news.

The Head of the medical charity, MSF, has called on the U.N. Security Council to prohibit attacks on medical facilities, after airstrikes in Syria on rebel-held East Aleppo put two hospitals out of action. Joanne Liu said a brutal and relentless onslaught had left eastern Aleppo with just seven surgeons to treat some 250,000 people.

A teenage gunman has killed his father, before shooting and wounding two children and a teacher at a primary school in the U.S. state of South Carolina. The gunman was wrestled to the ground by a firefighter and taken into custody.

Turkey's National Security Council has recommended extending the state of emergency brought in after July's failed coup attempt. More than 30,000 alleged supporters of the coup have been arrested since it was imposed.

The Governor of California has signed a bill, ending a ten-year statute of limitations on rape and similar sexual offences. The move was prompted by accusations by several women against the actor and comedian, Bill Cosby, during the 1970s and 80s. Bill Cosby has denied any wrongdoing.

The remains of ten United States soldiers killed during the Mexican-American War are being returned 170 years after their deaths. The troops are believed to have been volunteers who fought during the Battle of Monterey in Mexico in 1846.

BBC News.




全球慈善医疗机构之巨擘——无国界医生组织 (Doctors Without Borders, Medecins Sans Frontiers -- MSF)主席廖满嫦呼吁联合国安理会阻止破坏医疗设施的行为,该呼吁是在由叛军控制的阿勒波东部遭受空袭,并导致2家医院无法运转后。廖满嫦表示,阿勒波东部遭受的残暴攻击导致只余7名外科医生治疗25万人。



加州州长签订了一项法案,结束了长达十年来对强奸与类似性侵犯行为的限制条例。此举是受20世纪七八十年代几名女性对喜剧演员比尔(Bill Cosby)的控诉启发。对于该控诉,比尔一概不认。





1.precedent 先例,前例

The trial could set an important precedent for dealing with similar cases.


2.sue 控诉,控告

Mr. Warren sued for libel over the remarks.


3.prohibit 禁止,阻止

Fishing is prohibited.


4.relentless 无情的,残酷的

The pressure now was relentless.


5.onslaught 猛攻,突击

They intend to be an army of light against the onslaught of darkness.


6.brutal 残忍的,残暴的

He was the victim of a very brutal murder.




1.The oil producers cartel, OPEC, has agreed an outline deal to cut production in a bid to shore up the price of crude.

in a bid to... 为了……

Their husbands stay away from the tent, and sleep in the muddy grass outside, in a bid to give the women some privacy.


2.The oil producers cartel, OPEC, has agreed an outline deal to cut production in a bid to shore up the price of crude.

shore up 支撑,支持

The democracies of the West may find it hard to shore up their defences.


3.The Head of the medical charity, MSF, has called on the U.N. Security Council to prohibit attacks on medical facilities,

call on 呼吁,号召

One of Kenya's leading churchmen has called on the government to resign.


4.The gunman was wrestled to the ground by a firefighter and taken into custody.

take... into custody 拘押,拘留,逮捕

If he had been taken into custody, what followed would have been the most complex and wrenching legal proceeding in American history.



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