






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-10-17 10:41| 查看数: 923| 评论数: 0|

The US Secretary of State John Kerry has told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov that Washington will suspend all contacts with Moscow over Syria if Russia does not take immediate action to end the assault on Aleppo. In a phone call with Mr. Lavrov, Mr. Kerry said the US held Russia responsible for the situation there including use of incendiary and bunker bombs.


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n. 副本;配对物;极相似的人或物


n. 燃烧弹;纵火犯,放火者;煽动者

adj. 煽动的;放火的,纵火的


n. 沙坑;煤仓;燃料库

vt. 使陷入困境;把球击入沙坑

n. (Bunker)人名;(英、西)邦克

The US congress has voted overwhelmingly to reject President Obama's veto of a bill that allows relatives of victims of the September 11attacks to sue Saudi Arabia. It's the first time in his ten years that Mr.Obama's veto has been overwritten. Relatives of the victims of 9.11 want to sue Saudi Arabia over its alleged backing of the hijackers. Mr. Obama had argued that it would damage relations with Saudi Arabia.


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adj. 覆盖的;重写的

v. 写得过多;写满;重写(overwrite的过去分词)


n. 强盗;抢劫者

Chinese police have been ordered to video tape all interactions with criminal suspects and witnesses in a bid to prevent forced confessions. The new regulations also make law enforcement officers personally accountable throughout their lifetimes for the cases they handle.

The leader of Spain's main opposition Socialist Party Pedro Sanchez has lost the support of its executive with 17 of them resigning over his refusal to end more than nine months of political stalemate. It leaves him without an eternal majority.


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n. 僵局;陷于困境

vt. 使僵持;使陷入困境

vi. 僵持;陷入僵局

eternal:[ɪ'tɜːn(ə)l; iː-]

adj. 永恒的;不朽的

A 16-year-old school girl from South Africa has won the Grand Prize at Google’s Science Fair for making a super absorbent material from orange peels. Kiara Nirghin's invention helps soil retain water. She said she was motivated by a desire to help farmers who have been hit hard by South Africa's worst drought in decades.


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absorbent:[əb'zɔːb(ə)nt; -'sɔːb-]

n. [化学][化工][核] 吸收剂

adj. 能吸收的

The head of the regional government in Catalonia says he will call a referendum on the province's independence from Spain in September next year with or without the central government's consent.

And global trade in a highly endangered species of mammal,the Pangolin, has been banned by the United Nations amid fears it’s about to become extinct. Pangolins, found in both Africa and Asia, are prized for their scales which are used in Chinese medicine.

BBC News.


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