






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-10-22 18:13| 查看数: 1031| 评论数: 0|

The US and Britain have called for unconditional ceasefire in Yemen to be implemented within days. The US secretary of state John Kerry and his British counterpart made the call after talks in London. Both nations has been providing support to the Saudi-Led bombing campaign against Houthi rebels in Yemen. At the same meeting both countries also said they would consider introducing more sanctions against Russia and Syria because of their actions in the Syrian city of Aleppo. Mr.Kerry described the killing of civilians there as a crime against humanity.

The World Health Organization says it’s still trying to build a complete picture of the situation in Haiti almost two weeks after hurricane Matthew hit the Carribean country killing hundreds of people. It said many places were reachable only by boat, mule or on foot.

The president of Malawi Peter Mutharika has returned home after a month long absence which sparked questions about his health. Critics demanded an explanation because he has not been heard from since addressing the United Nations general assembly in September. Officials have not explained his absence but said it was a criminal affence to spread false rumours about the president’s health.

Mission controllers at the European Space Agency have detached Mars landing probe from its mothership and now say they have established full data links after its initial loss. An official said she was surrounded by a lot of relieved people. The land is due to touch down on the planet on Wednesday.

The 15 year old daughter of the U.S. sprinter Tyson Gay has been shot and killed in the state of Kentucky. Trinity Gay died soon after being hit in the neck after what witness say exchange fire between two vehicles in the earlier hours in the morning in the city of Lexington. Tyson Gay is second only to Jamaica’ s Usain Bolt in the all time listed fastest ever hundred meters on earth. He has also served a year ban after testing positive for anabolic steroids.

BBC news.


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