






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-10-26 14:41| 查看数: 710| 评论数: 0|

A senior member of the governing African National Congress in South Africa has called on its entire leadership to step down, including President Jacob Zuma. x said everyone had to take collective responsibility for the chaos in the Party, which, he said, was behaving worse than the apartheid government.


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n. 混沌,混乱

n. (Chaos)人名;(西)查奥斯

apartheid:[ə'pɑːtheɪt; ə'pɑːtaɪd]

n. 种族隔离

Turkey says its forces in Iraq have taken part in the offensive against so-called Islamic State near Mosul, despite the Iraqi government's rejection of their involvement. Ankara said its artillery has helped Kurdish s forces battling IS militants near the camp of x.


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n. 牵连;包含;混乱;财政困难

The top NATO commander in Afghanistan has criticised the leadership of the country's police and armed forces. General x said basic mistakes were contributing to high and rising casualty rates, especially among the police.


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casualty:['kæʒjʊəltɪ; -zj-]

n. 意外事故;伤亡人员;急诊室

Ten months of political deadlock in Spain has been broken, clearing the way for x to be confirmed as prime minister. The opposition socialists have lifted their veto on a conservative minority government. And it's now probable Spain will have a new administration early next month.


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n. 僵局,停顿

vi. 死锁;停顿

vt. 停顿;相持不下


adj. 保守的

n. 保守派,守旧者

The U.S. Senate's sub-committee responsible for competition says it will hold a hearing later this year on the purchase of the media giant, Time Warner, by AT&T. A spokesman for the Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, has also said there were a number of questions that needed scrutiny.


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n. 详细审查;监视;细看;选票复查

The leader of x in Lebanon, x, has said its movement's MPs will vote for the election of the former army commander, x, as president to the next parliamentary session. Lebanon has been without a president for more than two years.

Officials in Haiti say there are at least 150 prisoners on the run, after a breakout from a jail in the north of the country. The Justice Ministry says it's investigating whether prison guards had assisted in the breakout.

BBC News.


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