






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-11-6 12:22| 查看数: 685| 评论数: 0|


Not so long ago, five Chinese teachers went on a one-month exchange program to a school in England to see if the Chinese pedagogical idea would work in England or not. In the end, they failed to convince themselves that their teaching method can make British students study well, since they are too lazy and bad-mannered. British teachers, however, think that students in China are raised to study for too-long hours with too high expectations, and leave too little time to enjoy life.


The report once again touches upon the sensitive issue of the effectiveness of different teaching methods, derived from their related educational systems between China and the West, which has been hotly debated over the past several decades, causing controversies among teachers, students, parents and the concerned public.


In some sense, educational patterns may be classified into two: the exam-oriented and the quality-oriented, which have often been identified respectively with the Chinese and Western educational systems. Under the former, students are pushed to work hard and over-burdened with homework on a prolonged daily basis that exceeds their natural capabilities, to memorize knowledge and get everything from books by rote, instead of thoroughly understanding the issues and developing their intellect, let alone cultivating morality.



For most Chinese students, learning has become an exercise in how to pass examinations, which is aimed at entering prestigious universities and consequently getting good jobs. In contrast, the latter educational pattern provides students with an enjoyable learning environment, where they can actively participate in various activities that are deemed to be part of their education, leaving them more room to develop their natural abilities, talents and hobbies as well as nurturing their virtues.


The merit of the Chinese educational system, however, lies in its effective approach to consolidating fundamentals, whereas the Western educational system favors more creativity and imagination.


Obviously, neither the Western nor the Chinese educational system is perfect. Perhaps they should be moving toward each other – learning each other’s strengths and overcoming their weaknesses. Above all, we should never lose sight of the value of education, which ought not to be viewed merely as a means of getting knowledge and passing examinations, but as a process which produces qualified citizens who are morally as well as intellectually enlightened and equipped to behave responsibly in society.


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