






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-11-13 15:19| 查看数: 922| 评论数: 0|

President Obama has said his first talks with Republican president elect Donald Trump were wide ranging, and covered both domestic and foreign policy.

The president said he want Mr Trump and his wife to feel welcome and will do everything possible to help him succeed. Mr Trump said they discuss many situations, some wonderful and some difficult and he was looking forward to many more meetings with Mr Obama during the transition period.

The Canandian president Justin Trudo has said he is happy to talk about renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement if the United States wants to do so. Mr Trump had been fiercely critical of the deal which sets out trade rules between the United States, Canada and Mexico.


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adv. 猛烈地;厉害地

The United Nations said the last food rations has been able to deliever to rebel held eastern Aleppo in Syria and now been distributed. The humanitarian coordinator Young Eglan says there will be noting to hand out next week unless the UN can resupply.


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vt. 配给;定量供应

n. 定量;口粮;配给量

Prosecuters in the International Criminal Court has accused a Congolese rebel leader of interfering with witnesses in an attempt to influence the outcome of his war crime's trial. It enlisted the Bosco Tiganda's phonecalls show he was coaching defencing witnesses at obstructing prosecution investigations.


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vi. 支持;从军;应募;赞助

vt. 使入伍;征募;谋取…的赞助或帮助


n. 起诉,检举;进行;经营

The New York restaurant worker suspected of injuring 30 people and two bomber attacks in September has appeared in court. Amad Con Rhahimi is accused of detonating two homemade bombs in the neighbourhood of Chelsea and New Jersey.


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vt. 使爆炸

vi. 引爆,爆炸

A new species of dinosaur has been identified for an almost complete fossil found in China, it was preserved rasing it beaked head with feathered wings outstretched in the mudded was meld in 72 millions years ago, it's part of the group of bird like feathered dinoaurs called Obi Raptor dinoaurs and has been named muddy dragon on the road to heaven.


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n. 化石;僵化的事物;顽固不化的人

adj. 化石的;陈腐的,守旧的

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