






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-11-27 17:35| 查看数: 871| 评论数: 0|

 The world's first test-tube hamburger has already been synthesized (合成) and cooked at a cost of more than $300,000. Now two young bioengineers in Silicon Valley (硅谷) are trying to produce the first glass of artificial milk without a cow and with the help of GMO yeast (转基因酵母).


  Making milk, while complicated in its own way, is nonetheless much simpler than growing meat. "Less than 20 components are needed to give the flavor, structure and color you expect when you drink milk," says Ryan Pandya, who co-founded the synthetic dairy (合成乳制品) start-up Muufri with Perumal Gandhi.



  Pandya and Gandhi insert DNA sequences (序列) from cows into yeast cells, grow the cultures (培养出的细胞) at a controlled temperature and the right concentrations (浓度), and harvest milk proteins after a few days. "The process is extremely safe," says Gandhi. "It's the same one used to manufacture insulin (胰岛素) and other medicines."


  The fats in Muufri milk come from vegetables and are changed at molecular (分子的) level to mirror the flavor and structure of milk fats. Minerals and sugars are purchased separately and added to the mix. Once the proportion is fine-tuned, the ingredients will turn into milk in a natural process.


  The scientists behind yeast-culture dairy are concerned about animal welfare (福祉) and agricultural sustainability—but also about creating a food that will find a mass market. As their artificial milk keeps the taste and nutritional benefits of cow milk, it will be different from soy-based alternatives.


  While anti-GMO people worry about super crops taking over the natural world, Pandya replies, "Even if the yeast does go out in the world, it’ll produce only milk proteins and die within hours."


  Worldwide dairy consumption continues to grow every year. "We need to innovate to allow everyone to enjoy a glass of milk 50 years from today," Gandhi says. "The world will switch to the plant-based milk if our product is almost the same as the original one and priced right."



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