






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-1 15:05| 查看数: 907| 评论数: 0|

Syrian government forces and their allies have continued to drive rebel fighters out of more districts in eastern Aleppo prompting thousands more civilians to flee from the fighting.

The Russian defense ministry says the Syrian government has retaken 12 neighborhoods amounting to 40% ofterritory controlled by rebels before the weekend.

Reports in the US media say the man who attacked people at Ohio State University was a 20-year-old Somali student. Eight people were injured in the assault which began when a car was driven into a crowd of pedestrians at Ohio StateUniversity.

The driver then got out and began attacking passes-by with a butcher’s knife. He was shot dead by police. The university said the scene is not secure and a campus lock down has been lifted.

Thousands of Cubans have been paying their respects to the former revolutionary leader Fidel Castrol on the first day of public mourning. People formed long queues, many carrying flowers, portraits and Cuban flags as they waited to process passed memorial at revolutionary square in the capital.

The White House has said there is no evidence of massive fraud during the US presidential election. Donald Trump, who won the presidency but not the popular vote, said on Monday that millions of people who cast votes illegally without offering any evidence for his claim.

The Chinese government says its two-child birth control policy has not lead to as many birth as required to replenish the country's shrinking workforce. China's government is under pressure to find new ways to support the country's rapidly aging population.


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vt. 补充,再装满;把…装满;给…添加燃料


adj. 畏缩的;犹豫不决的

v. 萎缩(shrink的ing形式);收缩;退缩

At least ten people have been killed and dozens wounded in fighting between Somali nomads and the Islamist Group al-Shabaab. The clashes erupted after Islamists in the coastal town of Harard here ordered locals to pay taxes. The nomads who have lost much of their live stock in the current draught refused and attacked the militants.


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n. 游牧民;流浪者

adj. 游牧的;流浪的

BBC news.


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