






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-2 15:35| 查看数: 685| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Marion Marshall.

Marion Marshall为您报道BBC新闻。

President Hollande says France’s Intelligence Service has successfully dismantled a terro network, preventing a large-scale attack. He was speaking following arrested five men. The prosecutors say they were receiving orders by an encrypted mobile apps from Islamic State commander based in Iraq or Syria. That’s expected planning to attack high-profile target such as Christmas market on the Champs-Elysees or Disneyland Paris next Thursday.


One of the closest allies of the Brazilian President Michel Temer has resigned in the latest corruption scandal to hit the country. The government secretary Geddel Vieira Lima has become the 6th Minister to stand on from Mr. Temer’s cabinet since he took over in May promising to tackle corruption.


Police across England have widened investigation to the child sex abuse within football after moreex-players broke their silence, alleging they have been sexually abused as boys. One said “paedophile ring” have been operating.


Scientists warned that Arctic ice is melting at an unprecedented rate because of unusually high temperatures. Researchers say this risks triggering uncontrollable climate change.


The assembly in Pakistan’s Sindh Province has passed a bill that outlaws forced religious conversions, the first of its kind in the country. Sindh includes Pakistan’s biggest city Karachi and also homed the most country’s tinny Hindu minority.


Lawyers for the South Africa President Jacob Zuma said amount a legal challenge to a report, alleging that a wealthy business family the Guptas had undue influence over cabinet appointments. Mr. Zuma is due to appear before the governing AMC’s integrity commission next week.


President Putin has presented a Russian passport to the Hollywood action star Steven Seagal. Mr. Putin told him he hoped this would serve the symbol on what he described as gradual “normalization” of relations between Moscow and Washington. BBC News.



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