






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-10 15:40| 查看数: 976| 评论数: 0|

The Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, has said that victory for his forces in the battle for Aleppo would be a huge step towards ending the war in Syria. He was speaking as his troops appear poised to crush what remains of the rebel enclave there. Western countries have called for an immediate ceasefire.


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n. 飞地(指在本国境内的隶属另一国的一块领土);被包围的领土;被包围物

An airstrike on an Iraqi town held by Islamic State militants is reported to have accidentally killed dozens of civilians. Medical sources in x said 63 people had died, around half of them women and children. Both the U.S.-led coalition and the Iraqi Air Force carry out attacks on IS targets.

The Italian Prime Minister, x, has handed in his resignation, as he said he would do if he lost last Sunday's referendum on constitutional changes. But President x has asked him to remain as a caretaker prime minister, while consultations take place with the main political parties on a new government.


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n. 看管者;看门人;守护者

adj. 临时代理的

British MPs have voted to back the government's plan to begin talks by the end of March to leave the European Union. The opposition Labour Party put forward a motion, calling on the government to set out its departure plan, before it triggers Article 50 of the E.U.'s Lisbon Treaty to begin the formal exit process. The government accepted the motion, but in return, asked the MPs to respect the result of the referendum and support its Brexit timetable.


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n. 离开;出发;违背

The Chairman of Pakistan International Airlines has said that all 48 people who were on board a passenger plane when it crashed have been killed. The aircraft came down to the north of its destination, Islamabad, after it flied from the town of x.

Thousands of people, including many U.S. service personnel, have attended a ceremony in Hawaii to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. After speeches, wreaths were presented to honour Hawaii and those who lost their lives.

BBC News.


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