





BBC新闻:巴西遇难球队魂归故里 上万人雨中哀

发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-10 16:23| 查看数: 744| 评论数: 0|

BBC news with Ally Macue.

Ally Macue为您播报BBC新闻。

China has responded with guarded disapproval to a telephone call between the US president-elect Donald Trump and the president of Taiwan which Beijing regards as a breakaway province. Mr. Trump's conversation with Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen broke decades of US diplomatic policy. Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi described the call as a petty trick by Taiwan.

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Syrian government forces and their allies are reported to have seized another district in the rebel-held east of Aleppo. The recapture of Tariq al-Bab comes after a night of heavy shelling. Government forces now control a direct route across the city linking the west with the main Airport. 60 percent of Aleppo's rebel-held enclave has fallen to the government.

据报道,叙利亚政府军及其盟军已占领了叛军在阿勒波东部的另一块根据地。这块根据地名为Tariq al Bab,它的收复是经历了一夜的枪林弹雨后得来的。政府军现在控制着一条跨越城市、连接城市西部和主要机场的直接通道。目前,阿勒波叛军的飞地已有60%重回政府军之手。

A military plane carrying the coffins of the Brazilian football team delegation killed in Monday's airliner crash in Colombia is due to touch down shortly in the team’s hometown of Chapeco.


100,000 people are expected to attend an outdoor wick at the Chapecó football stadium.


The Malaysian foreign ministry has issued a strongly worded statement to accusing its near neighbor Myanmar of committing ethnic cleansing against the Muslim Rohingya minority. In a deepening diplomatic rift, the ministry statement said the cleansing must stop immediately.


A number of opposition parties in South Korea have filed an impeachment motion against the country's embattled Park Geun-hye. The motion backed by 171 lawmakers will be put to a vote next week. It will need the support of at least 30 members of President Park's Saenuri Party.


And police in the Thai capital Bangkok say they've arrested a Pakistani man who wanted in connection with a fire in Karachi four years ago, the deadliest in Pakistan's history. Abdul Rehman is accused of setting light to a garment factory after its owners failed to pay protection money to his criminal gang.

泰国首都曼谷警方称,已逮捕一名4年前在卡拉奇(巴基斯坦港市)的纵火嫌疑人,这场纵火案也是巴基斯坦史上最惨绝人寰的一遭。嫌疑人Abdul Rehman被控向某服装厂放火,原因是工厂负责人没有向嫌疑人所在的犯罪团伙支付保护费。

BBC news.



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