






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-29 12:09| 查看数: 895| 评论数: 0|

The Syrian army has declared its victory in Aleppo as state media said the last convoy evacuating rebel fighters and civilians had left the city. The army said it would return security to Syria’s second city after liberating it from what it called terrorists. It’s the biggest victory for the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in almost 6 years of war.


Syrian activists say Turkish airstrikes against a key town held by Islamic State fighters in the north of the country have killed almost 50 civilians. The activists say 14 children and 9 women are among those killed in the attack on Al-Bab.


Donald Trump says the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability. The president-elect said in a tweet that the arsenal must be built up as he put it until the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.


The billionaire investor Car Icahn, whom Mr. Trump appointed as a special advisor on regular trade issues on Wednesday, says excessive red tape is hurting American businesses. Mr. Icahn said environmental and banking regulations had become particular obstacles to investment.

亿万富翁卡尔?伊坎(Carl Icahn)周三由特朗普指定为监管改革的特别顾问,他表示,过甚的官僚作风损害了美国的经贸发展。他还说,环境监管和银行监管已经成为阻碍投资的特别障碍。

The German authorities say they have firm evidence linking the main suspect to Monday’s attack in Berlin. The fingerprints of Anis Amri have been found in the cab of the lorry that ploughed through a crowded Christmas market. The search for Amri is continuing.

德国当局表示其有确凿证据表明周一柏林发生的袭击事件与主要嫌疑人有关。已发现,坐在卡车驾驶室里的嫌疑人阿尼斯阿姆里(Anis Amri)驾驶卡车穿过人潮拥挤的圣诞市场。目前警方还在抓捕阿姆里。

Investigations into corrupt practices admitted by Brazil’s biggest construction company Odebrech, are being opened in a number of Latin American countries. Prosecutors in Argentina and Panama have opened a preliminary investigation.


Russia has withdrawn from hosting 2 international biathlon events next year – the World Cup and the Junior World Championships. Several countries had threatened to pull out of the events following the revelation of endemic state-sponsored doping in Russian sport.



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