






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2016-12-31 22:21| 查看数: 868| 评论数: 0|

BBC News with Marion Marshall.

Marion Marshall为您报道BBC新闻。

The UN Security Council has passed a resolution demanding a halt to Israeli settlement building on occupied Palestinian land which it calls a flagrant violation of international law. The vote passed after the United States-Israel traditional ally abstained. The US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said the resolution was consistent with Washington’s support for a two-state solution. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected the move. A statement from his office said Israel will not abide by the terms of the resolution. A Palestinian spokesman Saeb Ereket said it represented a victory for international law and a total rejection of what he called extremist forces in Israel.

联合国安理会通过了一项决议,要求停止在占领的巴勒斯坦领土建设以色列定居点。联合国称,建设行为公然违反了国际法。投票发生在美国以色列传统联盟失效之后。美国驻联合国大使萨曼莎•鲍尔(Samantha Power)表示,该决议与华盛顿支持两国解决方案是一致的。以色列总理内塔尼亚胡否决了该举动。来自他办公室的一份声明表示,以色列不会遵守该决议的条款。巴勒斯坦发言人Saeb Ereket表示,这代表了国际法的胜利,也表明以色列完全拒绝极端主义暴力。

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel says her government is doing everything humanly possible to step up security in the wake of the Berlin Christmas market attack. She said the State needed to be stronger. Mrs. Merkel spoke of her relief that the danger posed by the Tunisian who carried out the attack was over. Anis Amri was shot dead by Italian police early on Friday.

德国总理安吉拉•默克尔表示,巴黎圣诞市场袭击之后,她的政府正在尽一切可能的方法来加强安保。她表示,国家需要更加强大。默克尔讲到实施袭击的突尼斯人造成的威胁已经结束,她感到欣慰。周五早些时候,阿尼斯•阿姆里(Anis Amri)被意大利警方击毙。

A group of prisoners serving sentences in Chile for humsn rights abuses committed under General Pinochette have asked for forgiveness at a Christmas mass held inside their jail. Relatives of victims of the Pinochette era dismissed the move as cynical and an empty gesture.


Donald Trump’s team has made public a letter they say as from President Vladimir Putin in which the Russian leader talks of his hopes for improved relations between the two countries. The document dated from earlier this month refers to boosting cooperation to a qualitatively new level. The US President-elect described the letter as “so correct”.


The American film star Carrie Fisher who plays Princess Leia in the Star Wars movies has suffered a heart attack on the flight from London to Los Angeles. Her brother said she is in stable condition in hospital.

在影片《星球大战》中扮演莉亚公主的美国影星凯丽•费雪(Carrie Fisher)在伦敦飞往洛杉矶的航班上突发心脏病。她的弟弟表示,她正在医院,情况稳定。


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