






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-1-3 18:36| 查看数: 767| 评论数: 0|

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The American film star Carrie Fisher who played princess Leia in the Star Wars film has died aged at 60 days after suffering a heart attack on a transatlantic flight. Fellow passengers on the plane from London to California said she stopped breathing for several minutes and she'd been in intensive care in a Los Angeles hospital since then.

在影片《星球大战》中扮演莱娅公主的美国电影明星凯丽•费雪(Carrie Fisher)在横跨大西洋的航班上突发心脏病数日后去世,享年60岁。从伦敦飞往加利福尼亚的这架航班上同行的乘客表示,她呼吸停止了几分钟的时间,自那以后在洛杉矶一家医院接受重症特别护理。

The former Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has been indicted in a corruption case involving a private company that was granted lucrative contracts from the government. A judge has also frozen more than 600 million dollars of her personal assets. She left office a year ago.

前阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜•费尔南德斯•德基什内尔(Cristina Fernández de Kirchner)被控告牵涉一宗腐败案,一家私营公司从政府获得了利润丰厚的合同。法官还冻结了她超过6亿美元的个人财产。德基什内尔于一年前离任。

Shinzo Abe is about to become the first Japanese leader to pray at Pearl Harbor for the more than 2000 US sailors and marines killed in a surprised Japanese attack on the US naval base 75 years ago. Mr. Abe is expected to talk about the value of reconciliation. But the prime minister is unlikely to offer a formal apology.


The leading US Republican senator John McCain has sought to reassure the Baltic states that Washington will continue to back them under president Trump. Mr. McCain said he was confident that America would maintain its commitment to a strong NATO in the face of what he called "increasingly aggressive Russian behavior" in the region.

美国重要的共和党参议员约翰•麦凯恩(John McCain)希望向波罗的海诸国保证,在特朗普总统的领导下,华盛顿将继续支持他们。麦凯恩表示,他相信面对俄罗斯在该地区越来越激进的行为,美国将履行承诺建设更强大的北约。

Reports from Saudi Arabia say that a man has been jailed for one year for urging an end to the guardianship system that traditionally gives Saudi men extensive control over women. The man is quoted as saying he wanted to help female relatives ill-treated by their families.


And scientists in Canada say they have direct evidence that North American Indians cultivated swamp potatoes almost 4000 years ago. The researchers say they have discovered hundreds of partly preserved tubes in the submerged garden in the ancestral lands of the Katzie tribe in British Columbia.



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