






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-1-11 19:31| 查看数: 1141| 评论数: 0|

US intelligence officials have accused President Putin of personally ordering a Russian cyber campaign to sway the outcome of the presidential election in the favor of Donald Trump. A declassified report says Moscow sought to undermine faith in America's democratic system and to denigrate Mr. Trump's rival Hillary Clinton. It ties Mr. Putin to the hacking for the first time calling it the boldest attempt yet to influence a US election.


A gunman has killed five people and injured eight others in a shooting at Fort Lauderdale International Airport in Florida. The alleged gunman, named as twenty-six-year-old Esteban Santiago, was said to be carrying a US military identity card. He is now in police custody.


A sweeping study of the rapid growth of towns and cities says it's changing the genetic makeup of hundreds of plants and animals that are crucial to the ecosystem. Researchers warn that urbanization is forcing many species to adapt or become extinct. They say the disruption can, for example, stop seeds from dispersing, cause new exposure to infectious diseases and worsen pollution.


A criminal gang active in Brazilian jails has beheaded dozens of inmates at a prison in northern Brazil, the second such incident in less than a week. The authorities believe there was a row among gang members.


The powerful Syrian Jihadi group, formerly known as the Nusra Front, says one of its leading figures has been killed in an airstrike. Sheikh FarajMasri, wastargeted along with his son.

叙利亚圣战组织,原名努斯拉阵线,表示,其一个主要人物谢赫FarajMasri wastargeted连同他的儿子已经在空袭中丧生。。

The government of Ivory Coast has appealed for calm after troops mutinied in three cities. It asked soldiers to return to barracks.


New US job figures indicate a slight rise in the unemployment rate in December. But the US Labor Department says overall since Barack Obama became president the number of people with jobs has increased by more than eleven million.

美国的就业数据表明去年12月失业率略有上升。但美国劳工部说巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)就任美国总统后整体工作的人数增加超过一千一百万人。

Michelle Obama has delivered her final speech as First Lady with an impassioned call for young people to have hope and fight for their rights. She urged youngsters gathered at the White House to empower themselves with good education and lead by example. BBC News.



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