






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2017-1-11 21:27| 查看数: 834| 评论数: 0|

       Every dramatic currency move soon turns into a whodunnit, even when it is hard to pinpoint the perpetrator in a $5tn-a-day market. Algorithmic programmes are often blamed, along with fat-fingered traders. But the current mystery has a more official suspect with talk about whether or not the People’s Bank of China intervened last week to give the renminbi its biggest gain on record. But the better question to ask when the PBoC is involved is, what counts as intervention?


        Old-school action, perhaps best typified by the Bank of Japan in the 1990s and 2000s, involved spending billions in mere minutes to reverse a market move. Call it the King Canute approach. See also the Bank of England in 1992. In the past decade, intervention has become more subtle with central banks trading to reduce the scale of unwelcome developments rather than to hold back the tide entirely. Asian central banks are experts in this, notably in Indonesia, South Korea and Malaysia, all of whom have been in the market in the past two months.

        老式的做法是在短短几分钟内,耗费数十亿资金来扭转市场走向——最典型的也许是日本央行(BoJ)在上世纪90年代和本世纪头十年期间的做法。可以称之为克努特王(King Canute)策略。1992年英国央行(BoE)也采取了这种路数。过去10年来,干预手法已变得更微妙,各央行通过交易来削弱不利走势,而不是完全阻止市场大势。亚洲央行精于此道,尤其是印尼、韩国和马来西亚的央行。过去两个月,这些国家的央行都进入了市场。

        China, however, is less predictable. The near $1tn fall in its currency reserves since July 2014 implies heavy action, but exactly how much, and whether on or offshore is unclear. PBoC officials rarely comment on anything, but they never confirm intervention, however likely it looks. This leaves traders to guess whether the flows they see are the PBoC spending its own dollars, Chinese banks trading for their own book or perhaps the PBoC asking those banks to make a splash with their dealing — which can affect the market mood, but is not technically intervention.


        Perhaps the PBoC is being more subtle still: there is a strong 50-odd trading day pattern in onshore renminbi between a notable weak point — after which it rallies — and its next bout of weakness. This applies since China’s August 2015 devaluation. It could be that three calendar months is simply the time the PBoC judges the market needs to calm down, but it is also the length of many currency options. Could the PBoC be running out the clock on speculators? It has long had an aversion to traders profiting from the renminbi’s direction and this is one way of not making renminbi trades worth it — while allowing it to avoid the intervention questions.



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