






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-1-18 17:23| 查看数: 779| 评论数: 0|

The US President elected Donald Trump has said he wants to change the terms on which the United States does business with the rest of the world. Mr. Trump said he wanted to reduce his country's trade deficit, particularly with China. He said he was open to a deal with Russia, in which nuclear war hurts will be reduced in exchange for the lifting of US sanctions on Moscow. On NATO, Mr. Trump said all the countries should pay more towards it.

deficit:['defɪsɪt; 'diː-]

n. 赤字;不足额


n. 制裁,处罚;认可;支持

vt. 制裁,处罚;批准;鼓励

A Turkish airline’s cargo plane has crashed near Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. 16 people on board have been killed. Most of them are residents of houses beside the accident. The Kyrgyzstan’s Health Ministry said the pilot of the plane and 6 children were among the dead.


n. 货物,船货

n. (Cargo)人名;(英、西)卡戈

A campaigner in Britain said there was a much wider gap in the distribution of global wealth between the richest people and the poorest than previously acknowledged. The charity Aukswam said 8 billionaires have richest equivalent to the wealth of half the world's poorest. He has called for action to address what he called a warty economy.


adj. 等价的,相等的;同意义的

n. 等价物,相等物


adj. 有疣的;似疣的

n. (Warty)人名;(印)瓦尔蒂

The outgoing president of the Gambia Yahya Jammeh has said he has fired an injunction to prevent Adama Barrow from taking office on Thursday. Mr. Jammeh also said that the date of 19th January for his mandate to come to an end is not carved in stone.


n. [管理] 禁令;命令;劝告


n. 授权;命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作

vt. 授权;托管

Facebook says it’ll introduce measures to combat the spread of fake news stories in Germany and outside a media group will check the reliability of new stories and warning signs will be attached to those that are not credible.

A man who has boated a journey with his 6 year-old daughter prompted an international search operation has been charged with the offence of taking a child. Atom Land onset a sail from New Zealand to Australia before Christmas but says a broken radar kept him at sea. He denies he was trying to avoid a custody battle with his wife.


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