






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-1-24 12:01| 查看数: 917| 评论数: 0|

Donald Trump has begun his presidency with a combative inaugural speech, in which he vowed to put America first. Addressing a crowd of tens of thousands in front of the U.S. Capitol, he said protection would lead to great prosperity and strengths, and vowed to defend America's borders, and bring back jobs, wealth and dreams. He also promised to transfer power from Washington back to the people.


adj. 开始的;开幕的;就任的,就职的

n. 就职演讲;开幕辞


n. 繁荣,成功

Mr. Trump wasted no time in signing his first executive order as president. Among them is a proclamation establishing a National Day of Patriotism. Mr. Trump also signed a waiver to allow x to serve as defence secretary, even though it's less than the required seven years since he left the military. The move has been approved by the Senate. Meanwhile, the White House website says Mr. Trump is committed to eliminating Barack Obama's proposed cuts to U.S. carbon dioxide emissions.


n. 爱国主义;爱国心,爱国精神

The German Vice Chancellor, x, has called President Trump's inauguration speech very nationalist. Mr. x said the President's turn was worrying, and Europe needed to be ready to defend its interests.

There've been demonstrations against Mr. Trump's inauguration in many countries. But there were celebrations in Russia.

There've been fresh clashes in Washington between police and hundreds of people opposed to Mr. Trump's presidency. Some of the protesters threw projectiles at the police, who responded with teargas.

Reports from The Gambia say the embattled former president, x, has agreed in principle to step down and leave the country, after twenty-four years in power. The leaders of Guinea and Mauritania have been negotiating with Mr. x the terms of his departure.


n. 离开;出发;违背

Rescue workers in Central Italy have now pulled five survivors from air pockets in the ruins of a hotel that was hit by an avalanche two days ago. Rescuers are still trying to extract five others from beneath the debris.


n. 雪崩

vt. 雪崩

vi. 崩塌


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