






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-2-1 22:40| 查看数: 943| 评论数: 0|

Donald Trump has begun his presidency with a combative inaugural speech in which he vowed to put America first. Addressing in a crowd of tens of thousands in front of the U.S capital,he said protection will lead to great prosperity and strength and vowed to defend America’s borders and bring back jobs,wealth and dreams. He also promised to transfer power from Washington back to the people. Mr.Trump wasted no time in signing his first executive orders as a president. Among them is a proclaimation established in National Day of patriotism. Mr.Trump also signed a waiver to allow James Mattis to serve as the Defense Secretary even though it’s less than the required seven years since he left the military. He’s been approved by the senate. Meanwhile,the White House website says Mr.Trump is committed to eliminating Barack Obama’s proposed cuts to U.S carbon dioxide emissions.

唐纳德•特朗普发表了斗志昂扬的就职演说,开始了他的总统生涯。他在讲话中誓言将美国放在第一位。在首都数万人群面前,他表示,保护措施将促成更加繁荣强大的美国,誓言保护美国边境,带回就业岗位,财富和梦想。他还承诺把权力从华盛顿移交给民众。特朗普当即作为总统签署了第一批行政命令。其中一项是宣布设立爱国日。特朗普还签署了弃权令,允许詹姆斯•马蒂斯(James Mattis)担任国防部长,尽管他没有达到要求的离开军队七年的标准。他已经得到参议院批准。与此同时,白宫网站表示,特朗普致力于废除奥巴马提议的削减美国二氧化碳排放的议案。

The German vice Chancelor Sigmar Gabriel has called president Trump’s inauguration speech very nationalist. Mr.Gabriel said the president’s term was worrying and Europe needed to be ready to defend its interests.

德国副总理西格马尔•加布里尔(Sigmar Gabriel)称特朗普总统的就职讲话非常爱国主义。加布里尔表示,总统的言辞非常令人担忧,欧洲需要做好准备捍卫自己的利益。

There have been demonstrations against Mr.Trump’s inauguration in many countries. But there were celebrations in Russia.


There have been fresh clashes in Washington between police and hundreds of people opposed to Mr.Trump’s presidency. Some of the protestors threw projectiles at the police who responded with tear gas.


Reports from the Gambia said the embattled former president Yahya Jammeh has agreed in principal to step down and leave the country after 22 years in power. Leaders in Ginea and Mauritania have been negotiating with Mr.Jammeh for terms of his departure.

来自冈比亚的报道称,四面楚歌的叶海亚•贾梅(Yahya Jammeh)原则上同意下台并离开这个国家,他已经在位22年。几内亚和毛利塔尼亚领导人正在和贾梅商讨离开的条件。

Rescue workers in central Italy have now pulled 5 survivors from air pockets in the rooms of a hotel that was hit by avalanche two days ago.Resecuers are still trying to extricate 5 others from beneath the debris.



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