






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-2-1 22:42| 查看数: 925| 评论数: 0|

A spokesman for the Senegalese Army says its troops have entered the Gambia, where the long-time leader, Yahya Jammeh, is refusing to give up power. The new president, Adama Barrow, has been sworn in at the Gambian Embassy in Senegal. His inauguration sparked scenes of celebration in the Gambian capital, Banjul. The U.N. Security Council has unanimously backed the West African regional group, ECOWAS, which has threatened military intervention to force Mr. Jammeh out.

The U.S. Defense Secretary, Ashton Carter, says airstrikes against Islamic State fighters in Libya have killed more than 80 jihadists. The raids on Wednesday by long-range American bombers targeted two IS camps in a desert area, southwest of the coastal city of Sirte.

The Mayor of Tehran has said that more than 20 Iranian firefighters are now known to have been killed, when a high-rise building collapsed on them as they were fighting a major fire. The collapse of the 17-story Plasco building was broadcast live on television.

Rescuers say they’ve not given up hope of finding survivors from an avalanche that smashed into a hotel in central Italy. At least 3 people have been killed, and about 30 are missing. The hotel on Gran Sasso Mountain was struck on Wednesday after a series of earthquakes shook the region.

The Brazilian President has authorized troops to be sent into the northern city of Natal to prevent gun violence spreading beyond the state’s largest prison, whether there’ve been further disturbances. Police have been unable to regain control of Alcazuz Jail, since a riot at the weekend left 26 prisoners dead. In the city, over 20 vehicles are said to have been set alight, and petrol bombs thrown.

Donald Trump’s nominee to become treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, has been defending himself during confirmation hearings against allegations of profiteering and assisting tax avoidance. Mr. Mnuchin’s OneWest Bank foreclosed on loans to tens of thousands of home-owners following the financial crash, policies that critics have cited as a prime example of the kind of Wall Street greed that Mr. Trump had campaigned against.

BBC World Service News.


Jonathan Izard为您播报BBC新闻。

塞内加尔军方发言人表示其军队已进入冈比亚境内,原因是其长期领导人贾梅(Yahya Jammeh)拒绝放权。而新当选总统阿达马巴罗(Adama Barrow)已在塞内加尔的冈比亚大使馆宣誓就职。阿达马巴罗的就职典礼在冈比亚首都班珠尔燃起了民众的广泛庆祝。联合国安理会一致支持西非国家经济共同体(Economic Community of West African States)为迫使贾梅放权所做出的军事介入的威胁。

美国国防部部长卡特(Ashton Carter)表示,其在叙利亚发动的针对IS展示的空袭行动已致80名圣战者死亡。周三的长射程空袭由美军轰炸机完成,目标是某沙漠地区的2个IS军营,该沙漠地区位于海安城市苏尔特的西南部。


救援人员称其始终没有放弃寻找雪崩中幸存者的希望,据称此次雪崩导致意大利中部一家旅馆的陷落。目前至少有3人死亡,另有近30人下落不明。继周三该地区受到一系列地震的冲击后,格兰萨索山(Gran Sasso mountain)上的这家旅馆也受到了波及。


在就特朗普财长人选史蒂文(Steven Mnuchin)牟取暴利、涉嫌避税等指控而举行的审议听证会上,史蒂文始终为自己进行辩护。史蒂文的第一西部银行(OneWest Bank)涉嫌在金融危机发生后,取消上万名户主的赎买权,而该银行的这种政策一直被评论家每每谈及华尔




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