






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-2-6 18:17| 查看数: 903| 评论数: 0|

Washington has imposed new sanctions on Iran to punish it for a recent ballistic missile test, and for, what the administration described as, Tehran's continued support for terrorism. The sanctions target 12 companies and 13 named individuals in Iran and China. The White House said President Trump was determined to keep Iran in check.

Protesters in Romania have again taken to the streets to demand that the government scrap the decree that they fear would encourage already rampant corruption. Protesters say the prime beneficiary would be x, the leader of the Social Democrats, who won the general election in December.


n. 碎片;残余物;打架;少量

vt. 废弃;使解体;拆毁

adj. 废弃的;零碎的

vi. 吵架


n. 法令;判决

vt. 命令;颁布;注定;判决

vi. 注定;发布命令


adj. 猖獗的;蔓延的;狂暴的;奔放的

n. (Rampant)人名;(法)朗庞


n. [金融] 受益人,受惠者;封臣

adj. 拥有封地的;受圣俸的

The United Nations Human Rights Commissioner says Myanmar's leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, has promised to investigate U.N. allegations that troops have carried out systematic atrocities against the x Muslim minority. Troops are accused of mass killings and systematic gang rapes, violence that the U.N. says is very likely to amount to crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing.


n. 暴行;凶恶,残暴

The French President, Francois Hollande, has praised the courage of the soldiers guarding the Louvre Museum in Paris, after one of them shot and wounded a man armed with a machete. He said they prevented what would have proven to be a terror attack. French media say the suspect is a 29-year-old Egyptian who arrived in France last month.


n. 弯刀;大砍刀;马谢特琴

n. (Machete)人名;(西)马切特;(葡)马谢特

European Union leaders meeting in Malta have approved measures with Libya to stem the flow of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. Malta's Prime Minister said an agreement had been reached with nomadic tribes in southern Libya, who've been earning up to 6 million dollars a week from people smugglers.


adj. 游牧的;流浪的;游动的

smuggler:['smʌg(ə)lə(r); 'smʌglə(r)]

n. 走私者;走私犯;[法] 走私船

The Libyan state media say that the police in the capital, x, are changing breathalysing rules regarding people involved in road accidents. Only drivers had been tested, but pedestrians are now being added, providing they've survived.


vt. 做呼吸测醉试验(等于breathalyze)

vi. 作呼气测醉检测


adj. 徒步的;缺乏想像力的

n. 行人;步行者

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