






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-2-11 23:36| 查看数: 1248| 评论数: 0|

The election of a new president in Somalia has been widely welcomed. There was celebratory gunfire on the streets of the capital Mogadishu when news of Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed’s victory was announced. The new president promised in his acceptance speech to tackle corruption.


n. 滑车;装备;用具;扭倒

vt. 处理;抓住;固定;与…交涉

vi. 扭倒;拦截抢球


n. 贪污,腐败;堕落

Russia’s most prominent opposition leader Alexei Navalny says he does not recognize the five-year suspended sentence handed down to him by acourt trying him on embezzlement charges. He said the verdict showed that the Kremlin believes he was too dangerous to be allowed to run for president next year.


adj. 突出的,显著的;杰出的;卓越的


n. 侵占;挪用;盗用


n. 结论;裁定

President Trump has repeated his criticism of the UnitedStates Judiciary ahead of a ruling from a federal appeals court on his temporary travel ban. He told the gathering of US police chiefs that while he couldn’t say a court was biased, some decisions appear to be political.

President Trump has criticized the Nordstrom department storechain for dropping his daughter’s clothing line. Mr. Trump also sent the message from the president’s official tweeter account. Critics say he has been using the presidency for business purposes.

The government of Equatorial Guinea has moved its headquarters from the costal capital of Malabo to an unfinished city deep in the rainforest. President Teodoro Obiang Nguema chose the new site as one of the cities he wanted to develop with a view to making it the new administrative capital.

The top US military commander in Iraq has predicted that the Islamic State Group would be completely driven out of its two main strongholds in both Iraq and Syria soon. General Stephen Townsend said he believe the Mosulin Iraq and Raqqa in Syria would be recaptured within six months.

United Nation’s officials in Bangladesh say more than a thousand Rohingya Muslims may have been killed over the past few months in an army operation in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. The estimate is far greater than previously reported.


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