






发布者: Candy_hao | 发布时间: 2017-2-12 23:45| 查看数: 855| 评论数: 0|

BBC news with Justin Green.

Justin Green为您报道BBC新闻。

Several prominent US republicans have rebuked president Donald Trump for repeating his assertion that he lost the popular electoral vote to his rival Hillary Clinton because nearly three million people voted illegally. The republican senator Lindsey Graham said such comments were inappropriate without proof, but his spokesman Sean Spicer reiterated that Mr. Trump continued to believe the allegations.

美国几位卓越的共和党人谴责总统唐纳德•特朗普反复断言他在大众选票中输给竞争对手希拉里•克林顿是因为近300万选民非法投票。共和党参议员葛拉罕(Lindsey Graham)表示,这样的言论是不恰当的,没有证据的,但是他的发言人西恩•斯派瑟(Sean Spicer)强调,特朗普仍然相信该指控。

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has overwhelmingly approved president Trump’s choice of US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley. There had been concerns about her lack of experience in the international affairs.

美国参议院外事关系委员会以压倒性优势通过总统特朗普提名的尼基•黑利(Nikki Haley)担任美国驻联合国大使。有人担忧她缺乏国际事务方面的经验。

The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has expressed grave concern over the latest Israeli plans to build 2.5 thousand new homes for settlers in the occupied West Bank. The UN considers the settlements to be illegal.

联合国秘书长安东尼奥•古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)对以色列最近在被占领的西岸为定居者建筑2500座新住宅的计划表示强烈担忧。联合国认为定居点是非法的。

A seven year-old Syrian girl known worldwide for her tweets from Aleppo has written an open letter to President Donald Trump, pleading for him to do something for the children of Syria who deserve peace. Bana al-Abed, escaped from Aleppo last month and now lives in Turkey.

因来自阿勒颇的推文而被全世界知晓的七岁叙利亚女孩向唐纳德•特朗普总统写了一封公开信,请求他为应该得到和平的叙利亚儿童做点实事。芭娜•阿拉拜德(Bana al-Abed)上月从阿勒颇逃离,现在居住在土耳其。

Panama’s chief prosecutor says 17 people have been charged with money laundering in connection with a bribery scheme involving the Brazilian construction giant Odebrecht. The firm has acknowledged paying almost eight hundred million dollars in bribes to win business in 12 countries.


The French president Francois Hollande has been meeting leaders of Columbia’s largest rebel movement, the FARC, at a rural camp in the west of the country. Mr. Hollande offered financial support for disarming programs and search for the disappeared.


Ivory Coast, the defending champions, have crushed out of football’s African Cup of Nations in Gabon. The lost one nail to Morocow who are now foot the court finals along with the Democratic Republic of Congo.


BBC news.



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